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5 Facts About Im Sama, Ruler of One Piece World Government

The character Im in the series One Piece it is still very mysterious. However, who hmm actually Im in this pirate series?

He is the secret king of all the worlds One Piece. So he will likely play a big role in the future. Here are some facts about Im the Same

1. Its existence has so far been known only Gorosei


Im the same person who lives in Mary Geoise and the most powerful person in the world government. In fact, the Gorosei were subject to him. So all governments of the world are subject to the same imitation.

2. The person sitting on the Empty Throne

empty throne
empty throne

The Empty Throne is the great throne at Mary Geoise. He said that the throne had been left empty since 800 years ago as a symbol that the kings in this world were equal, no one was higher in rank than the other.

Of course that’s bullshit because Im on the throne, and Gorosei find out.

As the only person sitting on the Empty Throne, Im should be the secret king of all the worlds One Piece. Or in a world region One Piece subject to the World Government.

3. Tore up Luffy, Teach, and Shirahoshi’s posters, but kept Vivi’s photo


Once shown when im the same before meeting Gorosei, he was seen holding several photos, namely photos of Teach, Luffy and Vivi. The odd thing is im tearing up the same photo of Teach and Luffy but keeping Vivi’s photo, I don’t know what that means, even Mimin doesn’t know.

4. Keep a big straw hat

giant straw hat
giant straw hat

Im finding out about the big straw hat hidden in Mary Geoise. On one occasion, we saw Im looking at the hat while carrying Luffy’s poster. It seemed like he was watching Luffy’s poster with the hat.

Apparently, Im also knows the significance of the straw hat model worn by Roger to Luffy.

5. Unique eye shape

im the same eyes
im the same eyes

Right now, we don’t even know if Im’s unique form really is what he looks like or if it’s just his clothes. The part of Im’s body that was shown without being covered by the new black shadows of his eyes.

This eye shape is also unique, because it is similar to Mihawk’s eyes. It’s just that Im’s eyes are red and Mihawk is yellow.

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