5 Types of Lag When Playing Online Games, Their Causes And Solutions. -

When playing online games, lag is the biggest enemy for gamers. How not, when you are playing games but suddenly your PC or laptop doesn’t work properly so that it can lead to defeats and other losses when playing games. Anyone know what lag is? Here’s the explanation:
Lag in online games is a condition where the timing of the movement when we play the game does not match the execution that is being carried out. As a result there are pauses that can cause various losses for gamers. But the lag that is often found in this online game actually has a cause and you can prevent it before it occurs. The following is a detailed explanation of the 5 types of lag when playing games and solutions to overcome them.
1. Lag Ping
Ping is a term in an internet connection that provides information on how fast the response back and forth between the player and the game server that is running. The unit often used to measure ping is the millisecond (ms) and the smaller the ping number, the more comfortable it will be when playing. Lag occurs on Ping is above 100 ms.
The characteristic feature of lag in online games is that your character continues to move normally, but your character looks like it is walking in place or circling in the same place. The cause of increased ping can be due to a problem with the game server, ISP or modem that you are using or it could be due to software on your PC or laptop that is being updated automatically.
2. Lag Bandwidth
Bandwidth is also part of the internet connection which is often a problem and causes lag when playing online games. Usually online games use a little bandwidth when the game is played, but if the bandwidth is too small it can make ping go up suddenly and make the game feel longer than it should be. The size of this bandwidth depends on the internet provider used and will get smaller when you do multitasking while playing games, for example while downloading large files.
3. Visual Lag
Lag, also known as graphic lag, can occur if the specifications you have are not high enough to play a heavy game. PC / laptop components that are very influential and accommodate heavy loads when the game is running is a graphics card or VGA card.
The characteristic of this lag is that the game feels very heavy and is also slow to play. The solution, you can overlock VGA and if that doesn’t work, another way is by replacing your VGA card with a higher specification or buying the best gaming PC to get a better and smoother gaming experience.
4. Server Lag
The game server that is played can also be one of the causes of lag when playing online games. No matter how fast your internet connection is or how good your gaming laptop / pc you have, it will not matter if the game server is in trouble. This incident is very common in games that have just been released, but big games like PUBG have also recently been reported to have experienced server problems that made gamers feel emotional.
For this lag there is no solution, because the source of the lag comes from game servers that are beyond the reach of gamers. The best way is to wait for the server to return to normal and then continue playing again, the point is, don’t force play if it lags!
5. RAM lag
This type of lag is very much experienced by gamers who are low on budget. The cause of this lag is because the amount of RAM you have is still below standard even though the VGA card is the best, but if your RAM is only 1 GB, it must be very lagging when playing games with high graphics such as the MMORPG type. The best way to deal with this type of lag is by upgrading your PC or laptop RAM to a higher capacity, for example 4 – 8 GB or 8-16 recommendations from Mimin.
So, that was the type, the cause of lag when playing games. Keep up with Gamezero.id for more info regarding various info regarding gaming.
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