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7 Best Point Blank Weapons That Can Make Your Opponents Die Lice

7 of the best point blank weapons that can make your opponent helpless

In a themed game first person shooting (FPS) such as Point Blank, weapons are an important factor that can affect a match, whether a player wins or not.

The good news, Point Blank provides a variety of weapons that you can choose from, ranging from types of weapons sub-machine gun, assault rifle, to shotgun or sniper.

So, in order to target your opponent precisely and accurately, it’s good choose a Point Blank weapon which has superior quality. Want to know what types of weapons are the mainstay of the pro-player? Check out a review of the following 7 deadly PB weapons.

1. Cheytac M200

best point blank weapon

The Cheytac M200 is a similar rifle Sniper Rifle. Able to provide damage big make the Cheytac M200 one best Point Blank weapon from time to time. For players who are in charge of being sniper, at least you have to master this one weapon.

The Cheytac M200 is available in 3 price options, namely 1,100 for a 3-day period, 1,980 for 7 days, and 5,940 for players who want to use it for 30 days. There are two types skin The Cheytac M200 that you can choose from, namely the Cheytac M200 Gold and Cheytac M200 PBCW Brazuca.

Cheytac M200 PBCW Brazuca himself was here to celebrate the PBWC event in Brazil. That is why this weapon is dominated by green, blue and yellow colors similar to the Brazilian flag.

2. P90

the strongest point blank weapon

Not sure which weapon to play with? You can choose the P90 which is known to have damage turn off. Not only that, fire rateIts also quite fast and able to kill enemies in a short time. One more advantage of the P90 is that it includes the weapon with the most number of bullets.

No doubt, the P90 has become one of the players’ favorite weapons. One drawback is that it takes a long time to do reload. So, make sure you are safe from enemy reach while you are reload weapons.

The P90 is available in several skin, namely the P90 ext. Rustron, P90 MCG, and P90 PBCW Brazuca. Especially for the Brazuca PBCW model, you can get it at the Premium Shop for 1,130-6,090 for a period of 3-30 days.

To improve the quality of the P90, there are several title Non-beret that can be used, including Rowdy Beast (adds weapon reaction level 4), Specialist Trooper (reduces Falldown Damage level), and Top Gunner (increases accuracy level 1).

3. Kriss SV

the best point blank weapon

Kriss SV does not have damage great, however Point Blank weapons this one has a fairly accurate accuracy. That’s why the Kriss SV is still a favorite of the pros player. One of the most famous models is the Kriss SV Obsidian.

In addition, through its Premium Shop, provides two skin others, namely Gold and Witch. In terms of price, the Kriss SV Witch is more expensive than the Gold version. Kriss SV Gold is open from 1,160, 2,080, and 6,240 for a period of 3 days, 7 days and 30 days.

Kriss SV Witch is here to celebrate Halloween 2021. The design also looks unique with the addition of elements in the form of a pumpkin and flying broom on the handle of the weapon.

4. M1887 Independence

point blank shotgun weapon

The name M1887 Independence sounds familiar. M1887 itself is a type of weapon shotgun turn and become one of the players’ weapon. The reason why many players still use the M1887 Independence as a playing tool is having ability reload which is fast even can still be used to shoot even in conditions reload.

In addition, M1887 Independence is also capable of killing targets powerfully. Unfortunately, the accuracy rate is fairly low. So, if you want to shoot the enemy using the M1887 Independence, make sure that you are within a good enough distance to take aim at the enemy.

5. Aug A3 G / Rustron

weapon hurts point blank

Got a lethal shot, the AUG A3 G / Rustron is well suited to do headshot or take aim at the opponent’s head. Moreover Point Blank weapons this one has accuracy, damage, and fire speed which is extraordinary when compared to this type of weapon assault rifle other. One drawback is the portions recoil-his.

Want to know how to shoot an AUG A3 weapon like a pro HS? If so, the first tip is to use it title the right one so that the performance of the weapon is maximized. As for title The recommended AUG A3 is:

  • Moving agility level 2
  • Weapoin reaction level 4
  • Level 4 damage range

The second tip is to pay attention to the sensitivity of the mouse used and finally learn how to shoot.

6. Tactilite T2 Fire Dragon

cool pb weapons

The strongest Point Blank weapon next is the Tactilite T2 Fire Dragon. The Tactilite T2 Fire Dragon itself is a type weapon sniper pro favorite-player. Not without reason, because the Tactilite T2 Fire Dragon is able to produce damage almost perfect, which is equal to 97.

Even though the level of accuracy is not that superior, players can cover it up by increasing their aiming ability. When compared to Cheytac, Tactilite T2 Fire Dragon is still superior in the eyes of pros-player.

7. OA-93 Desert Hound / Rustron


OA-93 Desert Hound / Rustron is Point Blank weapons 2021 that you can count on to fight the enemy. Desert Hound / Rustron’s OA-93 recoil is quiet, temporary fire speedhigh enough that the player can shoot bullets intensively. Equipped with dual mode, the OA-93 Desert Hound / Rustron can be relied upon for close combat.

So that the OA-93 Desert Hound / Rustron becomes even more full power, you can add title. For players who use beret and have completed everything title in Point Blank, try to set title as follows:

  • Specialist troopers
  • Sniper master
  • Nimble sneaker

If you don’t use beret, please choose title the following:

  • Specialist troopers
  • Assault master
  • Top assail

That’s 7 Point Blank weapons hurts that can bring the opponent to its knees. Of the seven weapons above, which one do you want the most? Apart from these 7 choices, there are still many Point Blank weapons that can be used against enemies, such as the MP7 which is considered the best weapon to play on Map Crackdown.

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