Capcom Delays Demo of Resident Evil: Resistance

Capcom has pulled demos of Resident Evil: Resistance on Steam and PlayStation 4.
The open beta of the asymmetric multiplayer spinoff game that will be bundled with Resident Evil 3 Remake should have a demo version this month. Due to some technical issues, Capcom decided to postpone the release of the demo.
Capcom said in a tweets , “Due to technical issues, there was a delay to demo from [ Resident Evil ] Resistance on PS4 and Steam. for version [Xbox One] not affected at all and this is available. We are working on resolving these issues as quickly as we can, and we will keep you informed in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
Capcom did not mention a reason for the delay, but one of the representatives confirmed that the issue is not related to the full release, which will take place as scheduled next week.
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