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Dominance Ice is Now a Nightmare for Marksman in Mobile Legends

As we know, Season 15 is a scourge for the Marksman meta. Where players who use OP marksman such as Bruno, Granger, Karrie and Wan – Wan have a high winning percentage.

Hero Karrie has a passive that can be used as an anti tank. The thicker the enemy’s blood is, the softer it is for this hero. Combined with Skill 2 which can Blink. Karrie becomes an agile hero with Passive who is a nightmare for tankers.

The good news is, in the future updates of Mobile Legends, not only Twilight armor can be used to reduce damage inflicted by the enemy. Moonton also provides a new update to the Dominance Ice item, which will become one of the Marksman destroyer items in Mobile Legends. In this update, Moonton removes the effect of reducing critical chance that is not very useful on these items, and adds the effect of “Movement speed + 5%” so that players can approach enemies easily and get the effect “Reduced attack speed -30%, and reduced movement. speed ”on the enemy, and increase the existing range by 20% so that the effect will be easier to apply to the enemy.

The main problem that makes Dominance ice items unpopular is that players must approach the enemy for this effect to work properly. The reason is that when it is used to count Karrie, the player must approach it first so that the item can work, even though the range in the Dominance ice item is quite small, and it is quite easy for Karrie to get out of that range.

The increased range and movement speed aims to allow players to chase Karrie, and use this item as one of the counters for Karrie’s hero. And of course to balance every hero Moonton doesn’t nerf the damage given by the marksman. Amazingly, these items can be stacked if another hero uses the same item. So that the attack speed decreases to around 60% depending on how many heroes use the item. As did the YouTuber Mobile Legends.

Of course this item is not focused solely on Karrie’s hero, but also for Marksman and other hero roles, so that players can use this item to reduce the attack speed of these heroes. What do you think about Gamezero friends? the existence of this item definitely doesn’t dampen your spirits right!

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