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ESL One Los Angeles Dota 2 Tournament Canceled!

ESL One Los Angeles Dota 2 Tournament Canceled!

ESL One Los Angeles Dota 2 Tournament Canceled!, some time ago Dota 2 fans were surprised and disappointed by the news they got. The reason is in the news that the ESL One League Los Angeles tournament has officially been canceled by the organizers.

The increasing number of the spread of the corona virus is suspected to be the main cause of the cancellation of this tournament, based on an official statement from the ESL and Valve, they said that this tournament has officially been completely canceled.

Referring to the official statement from Valve, they explained that the reason for the suspension of this tournament was because of the ban on flights from outside Europe, which the regulation itself had just issued by the central government of the United States to tackle and prevent further transmission of the corona virus.

With this policy, Dota 2 players who come from outside America and England cannot attend this tournament. In response to this decision, one of the professional players is of the opinion to carry out this championship online. It was Peter “PPd” Dager who issued the statement through a post on his official Instagram account.

With the cancellation of one of the biggest Dota 2 tournaments being held, it caused many parties to be disadvantaged, one of which was the spectators who had already bought tickets, responding to this the organizers will provide compensation to minimize existing losses. And also in the future, ESL and Valve will rearrange the schedule and location for this tournament going forward.

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