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Explanation of Elemental Reaction Genshin Impact

description of the elemental reaction

When buddy GameZeRO played Genshin Impact, must have heard the word elemental reaction. Elemental reaction is something that is quite important when you play Genshin Impact. With elemental reaction, you can make the enemy freeze to make damage you become 2x. But what the heck elemental reaction that? see below.

Elements in Genshin Impact

Prior to elemental reaction, of course, you must first know the elements in Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact there are 7 elements, namely:

Element Effects

When an enemy is hit elemental, then the enemy will be affected by the element. Element effects can last for about 9 to 12 seconds depending on the element on which they are applied.

Elemental Debuffs

The elemental effect also gives enemies debuff which makes the enemy receive negative effects.

1. Engulfing Storm
genshin impact electro effect element

When an enemy is electrocuted, it will cause Engulfing Storm. Debuff this will drain energy continuously.

2. Slowing Water
genshin impact elemental reaction wet effect

When the enemy is in effect wet, will cause Slowing Water. Debuff this will increase the duration cooldown skill.

3. Smoldering Flames
genshin impact elemental reaction pyro effect

When an enemy is pyro, it will cause Smoldering Flames. Debuff this will expose the enemy to it damage pyro file continuously.

4. Condensed Ice
genshin impact cryo element effect

When an enemy is cryo-effected, it will cause Condensed Ice. Debuff this will increase the use of stamina.

What is Elemental Reaction?

Elemental reaction itself is the reaction that occurs when you combine 2 different elements to the target. This reaction will have several different effects depending on what elements you combine.

1. Burning
genshin impact elemental reaction burning

If you combine Dendro and Pyro elements, it will trigger a reaction burning. Burning will give damage Pyro continuously around the burned area.

Even though there is no Dendro character that can be played yet, you can trigger this reaction by burning Dendro objects such as grass.

2. Overload
genshin impact elemental reaction overload

When Electro and Pyro are combined, it triggers a reaction overload. Overload will give a blast damage AoE Pyro and make the enemy bounce.

3. Vaporize
genshin impact elemental reaction vaporize

By combining Hydro and Pyro elements, you can trigger reactions vaporize. Vaporize will give damage extra in one hit. If you guys trigger vaporize with Pyro, it will give damage an additional 150%. If you guys trigger vaporize with Hydro, it will deliver damage an additional 200%.

4. Melt
genshin impact elemental reaction melt

Almost the same as vaporize, combining Cryo and Pyro elements will trigger a reaction melt. Melt will give damage extra in one hit. If you guys trigger melt with Cryo, it will give damage an additional 150%. If you guys trigger melt with Pyro, it will give damage an additional 200%.

You can also trigger this reaction to Cryo objects, such as chest trapped in the ice.

5. Electro-Charged
genshin impact elemental reaction electro charged

To electro-charged, you have to combine Hydro and Electro elements. Electro-charged will give rise to damage Additional electro.

Besides that you can also do this reaction to Hydro objects, the reaction will cause it damage Electro per second around the Hydro object affected by the reaction.

6. Frozen
genshin impact elemental reaction frozen

The combination of Hydro and Cryo elements will cause a reaction frozen. Frozen will freeze the enemy, rendering him immobile and affected by the Cryo element for a few moments.

If you attack the enemy who is being hit frozen with heavy attack, will cause a reaction shatter. Shatter will destroy the effect frozen and make the enemy accept physical damage additional.

7. Superconduct
genshin impact elemental reaction superconduct

Combining Electro and Cryo will trigger a reaction superconduct. Superconduct will hit the enemy damage AoE Cryo and reduce 50% physical resistance enemy.

Superconduct suitable for characters who play physical damage, such as Keqing, Fischl, and Razor.

8. Swirl
genshin impact elemental reaction swirl

If you combine the Anemo element with any element other than Geo and Dendro it will cause a reaction swirl. Swirl will make your attacks a triggered element and make their range even wider.

You guys can also trigger swirl against objects that have triggerable elements, such as torches and water.

9. Crystallize
genshin impact elemental reaction crystallize

Crystallize can be triggered by combining a Geo element with any element other than Anemo and Dendro. If you guys trigger a reaction crystallize, will create a crystal that creases shield elements if you take it.

Crystallize can also be triggered against objects that have elements that can trigger a reaction crystallize.

Elemental Mastery

Genshin Impact also has several statuses, such as elemental mastery. Elemental mastery also plays an important role in elemental reaction. Elemental mastery effect on how strong elemental reaction We.

You can improve elemental mastery of the artifacts and weapons that deliver elemental mastery. There are also characters that enhance elemental mastery from leveling up characters, like Lisa.

That’s the explanation about elemental reaction version GameZeRO. If you already understand what it is elemental reaction, don’t forget to use it elemental reaction yes when playing Genshin Impact.

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