Fate / stay night: Heaven's Feel III will be Released in Indonesia on October 10, 2021

Good news for those of you who are waiting for certainty about whether the anime Fate / stay night: Heaven’s Feel III will be released in Indonesia or not. Recently, ODEX Indonesia as a film distributor announced that they will screen the anime in Indonesia.
The release date itself has also been confirmed. The anime Fate / stay Night; Heaven’s Feel III will air on October 10. For theaters, CGV is trusted to show the anime.
This anime has aired in Japan today, August 15, 2021.
【最終 章 公開 直 前 CM 公開】
い よ い よ 8 月 15 日 (土) 公開 と な る
劇場版 「Fate / stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Ⅲ.spring song の
公開 直 前 CM が 公開 と な り ま し た!劇場版 三 部 作 で 紡 ぐ 『Fate』 シ リ ー ズ の 原点
少年 と 少女 の “願 い” を 巡 る 物語 、 こ こ に 完結 https://t.co/INmFnNlCNN#fate_sn_anime pic.twitter.com/XbRdKP2q5C– Fate / stay night (@Fate_SN_Anime) August 8, 2021
This anime was supposed to air in Japan on April 25 but it had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ufotable Studio is still trusted to handle the animation section with Tomonori Sudou as the director.
The following is a synopsis of the anime Fate / stay Night itself.
Ten years since the Holy Grail War, another war was fought in Fuyuki City. Shirou Emiya joined the war, in order to fulfill Kiritsugu’s wish before he died. Sakura Matou is a girl who falls in love with Shirou and is always by his side. When the war started, many murders took place in the city, and the atmosphere grew tense. Shirou protects Sakura at his house, and cooperates with Rin Tohsaka. But the battle got even more chaotic when invisible forces started to take part in it.
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