Guide for Nana in Mobile Legends: Hero Support that is Again Meta

Guide for Nana in Mobile Legends: Hero Support that is Again Meta, Nana is a Mobile Legends hero who can be said to be one of the old heroes that has rarely been used in the previous several seasons. But lately the hero has a nickname useless this came back to the fore thanks to the meta introduced by the MPL team.
In this patch, the two tanks meta has begun to be abandoned, because using two tanks makes it difficult to play aggressively at the beginning of the game and it is also difficult to rotate and rank quickly and effectively to various lanes. Using meta support makes every team that plays this meta have the ability to riot at the beginning and can rotate easily.
One of the heroes with a typical support role that is on the rise is Diggie and also Nana, for Diggie’s own tutorial you can check our article here. Apart from Diggie, there is one support hero that has been up for grabs lately, Yup Nana. By using this hero, you can place him as a mid lane or support to accompany your marksman.
Details of Hero Nana

Nana is a hero with a Mage / Support role which you can play as a mage or support. Durability from Nana is quite hard, Offense from this hero is quite painful, Ability Effects (Roaming) Nana can easily move from one lane to another, Difficulty for the hero difficulty level. this is fairly easy to use.
Build and Set the Nana Emblem

To use the emblem here, you can use the mage emblem for the hero Nana even though you play as support though. For the first item, if you play as a mage, make a jungle item first, then if you get a blue buff, immediately make cooldown shoes.
Tips for playing Hero Nana
Nana as Mage:
If you play Nana as a mage, then you can make a build demage for this hero, and just buy jungle items then just grab the little wanderers (water hermit crabs) and take the blue buff if you can. Then immediately rotate downwards / upwards to rank the enemy marksman.
Nana as support :
If you play Nana as support, then the first thing you have to do is just buy a roam item and accompany your marksman to take the red buff and cover until you can farm yourself then roam to join the team to do a team fight.
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