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How to Make an Ordinary Mouse Become a Macro Mouse

Having a mouse that is comfortable and has several buttons that function to make it easier to play games is very enjoyable for gamers. This type of mouse macro is very popular with war game players, for example, such as Point Blank (PB). To have a mouse like this is quite expensive so not everyone can have it. If you have a normal mouse, you just need to change the settings so that you can make a normal mouse a macro mouse

The steps for setting an ordinary mouse to become a mouse macro:

Download and install the X button software

The first step we have to do is download the X button software here

  • After downloading the software
  • extract the file,
  • after that open the file and select a 64-bit folder (adjust to each OS)
  • Choose “XMouseButtonControl”

After you download the X button software, run it and select “add” in the lower left corner. You can enter the address of the point blank.exe file or it can be special force 2.exe. Each address is different depending on the person who saved the file, then input the software which you really want to provide a macro like the image below.

Creating a Simulation

After the process that was completed, click the left button and select simulated keys (undefined) which aim to continue to the next more effective process. For more details, please see this image:

Enter the code

In this step Mimin recommends those who use this software to enter the code, namely: “{WAITMS60} {MWDN} {WAITMS60} {MWUP}” While the special Force 2 is “{RMB} {WAITMS <70>} {LMB} QQ ”.

Mimin also suggests selecting “4 in another thread as mouse button is pressed” and doing a checklist on “Only send if ……” and then you click “okay”. With simple steps you have to enter the code from the macron to be able to proceed to the next step.

The next step is to make settings in the lower left corner and do the settings as you want


In this step we have to do a tab “hokeys” then you can check the checkbox “Enable Global ….” and also click on “Switch on layer 1”, after that do the manual button by pressing CTRL + ALT +1 and also can do “Switch on layer 2” then you can press the manual button CTRL + ALT + 2 then you can save Apply .

Those are some tips to make an ordinary mouse become a very simple macro mouse. Keep up with so that you keep up to date with other game tips and tricks.

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