Lelouch Anime Characters Enter as PUBG Mobile Characters

PUBG is always doing new things, like collaborating, of course. Had collaborated with the famous Kpop girl group, Black Pink, also Resident Evil, and even collaborated with Godzilla. In fact, the collaboration carried out by PUBG is never playing games. This time PUBG, a news of the most recent collaboration emerged from the official PUBG Mobile Japan website, which reported that it would hold the collaboration that was most awaited by the popular anime, Code Geass, with named characters Lelouch. This will make the first note for PUBG to collaborate for the first time with characters from Anime!
Who is the character Lelouch? According to the director Goro Taniguchi Lelouch himself is present, this lamperouge looks like an ordinary person, but in reality Lelouch is a person Prince of Britain who was banished by his own father, Charles zi Britain after Lelouch’s mother died, Marieanne vi Britain. Lelouch lives with his younger brother, nunally who has a lack of sight in his eyes and is paralyzed after witnessing the death of his own mother. Shrouded in revenge for his father, Lelouch swore in front of his friend, Suzaku K. If only Lelouch had intended to destroy Britain in his own hands. This anime, produced by up to four producers Hiroshi Morotomi, Yoshitaka K, Atsushi Yukawa, Takuo Minegishi.
Unfortunately, there is no accurate explanation of what will be present at this biggest Anime collaboration. PUBG Mobile Japan itself also informs all gamers, to keep waiting for news information regarding the details of when the official Lelouch character is paired with the PUBG Mobile character that we can play.
『PUBG MOBILE』 × 『コ ー ド ギ ア ス 反逆 の ル ル ー シ ュ』
ボ イ ス カ ー ド コ ラ ボ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン 第 1 弾
ル ル ー シ ュ ・ ラ ン ペ ル ー ジ の 「Sample ボ イ ス カ ー ド (永久)」 が も ら え る ロ グ イ ン イ ベ ン ト を 開 催 ????▼ 詳細 は こ ち ら https://t.co/RXUlpuK4UM
#PUBG モ バ イ ル #geassp pic.twitter.com/y8ESZIjw8z– PUBG MOBILE 日本 公式 (@PUBGMOBILE_JP) November 13, 2021
The Code Geass anime, with the main character Lelouch. It looks quite striking, and it is possible that this character will later become one of the special avatars in the PUBG Mobile game. Or later this Lelouch character could become a special costume that all players can use. This is considering, during the PUBG collaboration with Resident Evil the last few years.
If later you have a Lelouch Anime character, of course you will feel the difference when playing, you will immediately be recognized because the karatker is truly iconic, and will be the center of attention. Of course, PUBG’s collaboration with this anime won’t be in vain. During this collaboration, it will become a new decoration for the PUBG Mobile game.
In previous collaborations, such as Godzila, PUBG Mobile offers a massive amount of skins, usually skins done by PUBG Mobile only to upgrade weapons, but on the occasion of collaboration with Godzila, PUBG Mobile provides a very striking iconic, namely the presence of the monster Godzila standing on the loot. clate owned by the enemy. And the sound effect of the monster’s roar will make your hair stand on end while playing the game alone.
From the previous PUBG Mobile collaborations, you can decide for yourself which collaboration will be your choice, and which one you like the most.
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