Masashi Kishimoto will take over work on Boruto manga

Naruto mangaka and series author, Masashi Kishimoto, was recently announced to take over the storyboard section of Boruto manga replacing Kodachi from chapter 52. The announcement was posted via the official Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Twitter account.
漫画 『BORUTO』 に つ い て
V ジ ャ ン プ 12 月 号 (11/21 発 売) 掲 載 の 『BORUTO』 52 話 を も っ て 、 当初 か ら の 予 定 に 則 り 、 制作 体制 が 変 更 と な り ま す。
こ こ ま で 脚本 を 務 め ら れ た 小 太 刀 先生 、 本 当 に お 疲 れ さ ま で し た。
今後 、 岸 本 斉 史先生 の 原案 を も と に 連載 し て 参 り ま す。– NARUTO ・ BORUTO 【原作 公式】 (@NARUTO_kousiki) November 16, 2021
And the news immediately became a hot topic of conversation on social media, including Masashi Kishimoto, who became a trending topic on Twitter. This is very natural because you could say that many are disappointed with Boruto’s current storyline, especially those of Naruto fans. And this news was certainly greeted with joy by them.
The manga Boruto: Naruto Next Generations itself was published for the first time in May 2016 and received an anime adaptation since April 2017. The story itself centers on Boruto, the son of Naruto and Hinata, as well as other ninjas in his generation.
Well, of course this is also good news for you, right? Or is it the other way around? Stay tuned for developments AniManga only on the GameZeRO website.
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