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Metal Slug Code: J, New Metal Slug Game for Android / ios

Metal Slug Code: J, New Metal Slug Game for Android / ios

Metal Slug Code: J, New Metal Slug Game for Android / ios, Metal Slug is an old video game that is quite old in the video game industry. This one game first surfaced in 1996.

This game made by SNK is a shooting game that has its own uniqueness from its style of play, so that it makes the players quite enthusiastic about playing this game, but gradually the popularity of this game is losing badly to the new games released by Android and iOS mobile devices.

After a decade of disappearing without any news, recently the public has been shocked again by the news regarding the new Metal Slug game that will launch on mobile devices. Regarding this news, it is not a hoax, but currently SNK is collaborating with Tencent and Timi Studio to realize Metal Slug on mobile devices.

Metal Slug Code: J, New Metal Slug Game for Android / ios

Quoted from the twitter account tweet @TiMi Studios it has published the latest trailer for the new Metal Slug sequel. In this trailer, it can be seen that the latest series is called Metal Slug Code: J, this trailer also shows a glimpse of the new Metal Slug Code: J game.

Official Trailer Metal Slug Code: J

Furthermore, looking into the Metal Slug Code J trailer we can see that the game environment is following the current moba game trend. Where there is an analog on the left and on the right there are action buttons such as the attack button, jump button, hit button and so on.

Metal Slug Code: J GamePlay

In addition to the things that have been mentioned above, there are several other interesting things from this trailer such as there is a water area that passes by using a wooden ship, another interesting thing in this latest series players can also use vehicles into the game.

Metal Slug Code: J Water Environment
Metal Slug Code: J Car GamePlay

Apart from the things that have been listed above, there is no further information regarding this Metal Slug Code: J, until now the official release date is not yet known. For that, the players who can’t wait to play please wait for official confirmation from the developper.

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