Mobile legends players who are caught playing with cheaters, get ready to get banned!

Mobile legends is a Moba game developed by Moonton and is arguably quite exciting and addictive, but if ML players use Cheats, it certainly makes the playing experience unpleasant right? For example, the case found is the Cheat Map Hack, the cheat can see the whereabouts of other players who are hiding. Of course this is an annoying experience, isn’t it, if you have ever experienced it.
Well, recently Moonton as the developer of the game Moba Mobile Legends: Bang Bang enforced a new rule in the form that people who are reported to have used cheats will get a strict sanction, namely getting banned, and this ban will last a minimum of 1 week until 10 years depending on how often the player is exposed to the report. What’s more, if you are caught playing with Cheater, the reason is that you will also get banned.
In the picture above, you can see that a Facebook account is named Maulana Fikri asked the Mobile Legends admin that he didn’t know why suddenly his ML account was banned.
It is known that afterwards the official mobile legends account itself said that he had played with a cheater, and in the end he was also banned for the same reason. Where in addition to active third party users who play together with cheaters will also be banned.
So, the conclusion that we can draw is if you are playing with Cheaters, you should stop immediately or play positively so you don’t get banned by Moonton! Play fairly and show your skills or abilities, Guys, so create a fair and exciting playing experience.
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