Movie Kimetsu no Yaiba Profits 442 Billion

The movie from Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train is eagerly awaited by anime lovers because apart from the anti-mainstream storyline, the audience is very spoiled with the anime graphics offered by this Ufotable studio. The movie has been shown in several countries including in its home country. Remarkably, the film successfully occupied the top position in the Japanese box office so that it could make a profit of around USD 30 million or if it was converted into IDR 442 billion in just 3 days of broadcast.
Reported by Deadline news, that this figure could be much higher because considering that in one day broadcast they can make a profit of up to USD 9.48 million or around IDR 139 billion.
The great thing is that there are several cinemas that can screen the movie up to 40 times a day. Of course this will be an encouragement for Kimetsu no Yaiba fans in Indonesia. But you need to be patient, given the pandemic in Indonesia, it seems that the broadcast schedule will be postponed until February 2021.
Source: Deadline
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