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PC, XBOX ONE & PS4 Shortcuts / Controls Buttons -

Apex Legends, like any other game, has its own set of keys. Some are clear – movement and shooting are usually the same play after the game – but some are less so. Inventory management skills and systems, as well as communicating with other Legends on your team can make you give up. So here is a guide for the controls in this game:

PC Controls – Mouse and Keyboard

Here are all the core controls in Apex Legends if you play games on PC. We have separate details for the essential ping command just a little further in this section.


  • Move Forward – W
  • Move Back – S
  • Move Left – A
  • Move Right – D
  • Sprint – LSHIFT
  • Jump – SPACE
  • Crouch (Toggle) – C
  • Crouch (Hold) – LCTRL

Weapons and Abilities

  • Tactical Ability – Q
  • Ultimate Ability – Z
  • Interact / Pickup – E
  • Alternate Interact – X
  • Inventory (Toggle) – TAB / I
  • Map (Toggle) – M
  • Attack – LMB
  • Toggle Fire Mode – B
  • Aim Down Sight (Toggle) – RMB
  • Melee – V
  • Reload – R
  • Cycle Weapon – Mouse Wheel Scroll
  • Equip Weapon 1 – 1
  • Equip Weapon 2 – 2
  • Holster Weapons – 3
  • Equip Grenade – G.
  • Use Selected Health Item – 4
  • Gibraltar Shield Toggle – H
  • Inspect Weapon – N


  • Ping – Mouse Wheel Click
  • Ping (Enemy Here) – F
  • Push to Talk (Hold) – T
  • Message Team – ENTER

Extra ping options

In the game control interface you can also assign keys to the following custom ping alerts. Just pick a chord you feel comfortable with if you want to use one of these:

  • Ping (Going Here)
  • Ping (Looting Here)
  • Ping (Defending Here)
  • Ping (Watching Here)
  • Ping (Someone’s Been Here)

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Controls – Controller

You can, of course, use the classic Xbox controller if you’re playing games on PC, although you’ll probably be at a huge disadvantage against the majority who will use mice and keyboards on this platform.

In this section we’ve outlined the core Xbox One settings that are easy to transfer to the PlayStation 4 if you’re playing on that console.

The following is an easy reference for the default Xbox controller settings, which you can click or tap to enlarge. Note that you can use some custom alternative settings which you’ll find just below the image itself.


Alternative Controller Options

Bumper Jumper

  • Putting jumps on LB
  • Allows to jump without compromising display agility

Button Puncher

  • Put crouch on R press


  • Put jump on LB and squat on press R
  • Jump, duck, slide and fall off walls without compromising the agility of the display


  • Put grenades on RB and ping on Up D-Pad


  • Put jump on LB and crouch on RB
  • Best suited for use with “Hold to Crouch” enabled

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