Tate No Yuusha Get Mobile Game Adaptation

The anime series Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari was successful in broadcasting and won praise from millions of fans. This moment of success was used to release a game based on the anime series Tate No Yuusha on the mobile platform.
The official Twitter account for the anime series The Rising of The Shield Hero or Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari announced on Friday (20/11) that the anime will get a game adaptation. The game will be titled The Rising of The Shield Hero – RERISE.
TV ア ニ メ 「盾 の 勇者 の 成 り 上 が り」 ゲ ー ム 化 決定 ✨
ス マ ホ 向 け RPG 『盾 の 勇者 の 成 り 上 が り ~ RERISE ~』 の 事前 登録 は こ ち ら か ら ???????? ↓ https: //t.co/PQRlcC6R4P#shieldhero# 盾 の 勇者 の 成 り 上 が り# た て ゆ う# 盾 の 勇者 リ ラ イ ズ pic.twitter.com/0uwTMcgDKS– TV ア ニ メ 「盾 の 勇者 の 成 り 上 が り」 プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト (@shieldheropjt) November 20, 2021
This Tate No Yuusha game can be played on iOS and Android devices. Pre-registration has also been opened for smartphone apps with in-game prizes offered.
Reporting from Anime News Network, the official website of the game has also been opened and will soon reveal a promotional video and more information on the game.
The official website of this game promises prizes whose amount depends on the number of people who registered for the pre-registration. More information about this RPG game will continue to be updated.
Game Information:
- Original Creator: Yusagi Aneko (Ore dake Kaereru Class Teni)
- Original Character Draft: Minami Seira (Saishoukan sareta Yuusha wa Ippanjin Toshite Ikiteiku?)
- Price: Free (with in-game purchase)
- Genre: RPG
- Compatibility: iOS / Android
- Distributor: Kick-Ass Co., Ltd. (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta-ken)
The in-game story will be adapted from a light novel. centered on Naofumi Iwatani, a charismatic otaku who spends his days in games and manga, suddenly finding himself summoned to a parallel universe.
He finds himself one of four heroes equipped with legendary weapons and tasked with saving the world from destruction.
How about friends, of course this game is very interesting for us to look forward to.
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