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The Ghost Of Tsushima map is too big

After entering a period of development for several years and a long wait for this game, finally Ghost of Tsushima which is the most ambitious game project from Sucker Punch will be released soon. Many gamers are looking forward to this game especially after seeing its presentation at the State of Play event some time ago, where Ghost of Tsushima really looks very promising and feels like the most realistic samurai game that has been waiting for a long time.

Even though the details shared so far are sufficient, it cannot be denied that there are still a lot of gamers who are curious about some other important details, especially how much content this game offers. To answer this curiosity, recently Sucker Punch, represented by Creative Director – Nate Fox, took various interesting details through an interview with Voxel.

When asked how long it would take to finish the game. Fox is not so sure about his exact estimate, because the world in Ghost of Tsushima offers a lot of secrets and activities that require exploration. So when playing this game, there will be many moments where players don’t just focus on the storyline and end up doing many other things. But when asked if this game could be completed in the range of 40 – 50 hours, Fox answered that this time estimate was quite accurate.

It is reported that Ghost of Tsushima is ready to be released on July 17, 2021, exclusively for PlayStation 4.

Source: boxgame

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