The rumors regarding “Yakuza: Like an Asura” are fake

Recently there have been rumors regarding Yakuza: Like an Asura on the internet. Previously, producer Masayoshi Yokoyama had made a later tweet deleted by him. Shortly after, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio appeared on the franchise’s subreddit explaining in detail why the rumors were fake.
Launched via Twitter Yokoyama, he explained that the rumored protagonist was Hoax, Yakuza: Like an Asura “or” Ashura no Gotoku “is not an actual title.
海外 経 由 で 捏造 さ れ る ま で に な っ て 嬉 し さ も 多少 あ り ま す が 、、、
阿 修羅 が 如 く? と や ら は 100% な い で す。 作 り か け て す ら い ま せ ん。
そ れ に そ の ネ ー ミ ン グ や ら な い で し ょ ロ ヒ ョ か が 如 く と か と 同 じ 感 じ す よ ね (笑
北斗 は コ ン セ プ ト が 別 と し て 、 龍 ス ピ ン オ フ 系 で そ れ は な い か と。
– 横山 昌 義 (@yokoyama_masa) November 21, 2021
According to teammates Twinfinite, the producer who spread the rumor explained that he would never choose a title like “Yakuza: Like an Asura” into the game. In addition, even though Masaru Watase is a character that many fans and fans love within Yakuza Studio, changing the protagonist in this game series is something that is very difficult, and it’s even difficult for them to give an important role to Majima in Yakuza 0.There he also continues, that other names like Shirohyou no Gotoku as well as Only Gotoku no will never be used.
With that in mind, it is clear that when a new series of Yakuza games is announced, at any time, Ichiban Kasuga 99% guaranteed to play the role of the protagonist.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC . For version PS5 will be released on March 2, 2021.
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