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Valorant Anti Cheat System Offers 1 Billion Rupiah!

Riot Games is not joking about this offer, for those who find security flaws in the Vanguard anti-cheat system will be awarded 1 billion rupiah.

Talented crackers who are experiencing an economic downturn should turn their attention to the upcoming First Person Shooter game Valorant, because Riot Games as the game developer is willing to pay $ 100,000 or thereabouts 1 billion rupiah for those who find gaps / weaknesses in the Vanguard anti-cheat system. There are several levels of rewards, the more dangerous system weaknesses someone finds in Vanguard, the more money they can get later. These range from $ US25,000 (386 million rupiah) for a bug that can access a user’s personal information, to $ US100,000 (1 billion rupiah) for “code at the kernel level”, which allows a hacker to tinker with the most basic parts of a computer. Now that some bugs have been resolved, those who report these bugs and get replies / responses from the Bounty Page will immediately get paid accordingly.

Anti Cheat Valorant

“We want the players to continue playing our game quietly, and we put our money where we are going,” a message from the Riot Security Team. “If you think you have found a weakness / bug in Vanguard that will damage the security and privacy of players, please send a report immediately.”

Riot has been running a “bug bounty” program at HackerOne since late 2014. Bounties that are not associated with Vanguard have ranged from $ US250 (3 million rupiah) to over $ US4,000 (61 million rupiah) according to a 2016 video by David Rook. After researchers submit their bug findings, what they pay is decided through discussion among the Riot security team, which takes into account details such as the severity of the bug and the amount of work required to find the loophole. Riot has reportedly awarded nearly $ US2,000,000 (30 billion rupiah) since starting the program.

How about GameZeRO friends, are you interested in this offer? For those of you who have experience in computer science “especially in the coding section”, maybe you can join this program.

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