Why Xingqiu Becomes the Best Sub DPS in Genshin Impact

Xingqiu is one of the 4 star characters in Genshin Impact, he uses a sword as his weapon and has the Hydro element with skill which is suitable to make it Sub DPS. You can get Xingqiu with gacha on banner supplication of characters or in banner standard.
Xingqiu is the second son of Feiyun Commerce Guild, he was famous for his perseverance and politeness since he was a child. Xingqiu is a bookworm who has dreams of becoming the heroic hero she often imagines when reading books. For Xingqiu, courage is not just a standard in attitude, but a principle and a mindset.
Maybe many of you were upset when you accidentally got Xingqiu while doing gacha, even though currently Xingqiu is the best Sub DPS in Genshin Impact in our opinion. Why? This is the reason why Xingqiu is the best Sub DPS version of GameZeRO.
1. Skills that can still be used when changing characters
Skill which can still be used when changing characters is one of the requirements to become Sub DPS. Just like Fischl’s Oz, elemental skill Xingqiu’s, namely “Guhua Sword – Fatal RainscreenAnd elemental burstit is “Guhua Sword – Raincutter“Will remain active even if you change characters.
Elemental burst Xingqiu’s can shower enemies with illusory swords. When Guhua Sword – Raincutter active, normal attack of the character being used will launch a water sword which strikes consecutively and results Hydro damage.
2. Giving Wet Effects to Enemies

Elemental skills and elemental burst Xingqiu’s could also have an effect wet continuously to the enemy. When Guhua Sword – Fatal Rainscreen active, enemies who are close to your character will be affected wet even though you didn’t attack him. Besides Guhua Sword – Raincutter will also give wet to the enemy when you attack the enemy with a water sword.
This will be very useful when you play elemental reaction. As electro-charged, by combining the Hydro element with the Electro element, electro-charged will give damage Continuously electrocuting enemies.
3. Has a Passive Adding Hydro Damage

Xingqiu also has passive skill which is quite helpful, namely adding Hydro damage Xingqiu as much as 20%. With the addition of Hydro damage this, of course will make elemental skill and elemental burst Xingqiu’s got even more sick. Passive Skill it will unlock when Xingqiu reaches ascend 4.
4. Can Reduce Enemy Hydro Resistance

The enemies hit by Xingqiu’s water sword will also decrease resistanceagainst Hydro damage 15% for 4 seconds. This will be very useful for elemental skill and elemental damage Xingqiu, or to help DPS Hydro like Tartaglia. But Xingqiu must have constellation 2 first in order skill it’s open.
5. Can Help Reduce the incoming Damage

When Xingqiu put on Guhua Sword skill – Fatal Rainscreen, will bring up the water sword that surrounds the character. This water sword will make damage Entering the character is reduced by 20-24%.
Apart from that Xingqiu has passive skill which when the water sword broke, it would heal the character being used as much as 6% of Xingqiu’s total HP.
How buddy GameZeRO? Enough overpower Also this Xingqiu. With skillwho can provide damage and effects wet continuously, this character is very suitable to be used as Sub DPS.
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