Yuru Camp Season 2 Anime Release Latest Trailer

For those of you who can’t wait for the arrival of the second season of the relaxing anime Yuru Camp, maybe you can be a little happy because the trailer for this anime has just been released. The continuation of the anime adapting the manga of the same title will begin arriving on Japanese TV in January 2021.
This new trailer features many scenes that will make the atmosphere of watching this anime feel more “relaxed”. The trailer also shows a preview of the opening and ending themes.
Asaka sings the new opening theme, “Seize the Day,” and Eri Sasaki, who returns from season one, will sing the new ending theme “Haru no Tonari.”
Curious? Here’s the video:
『ゆ る キ ャ ン △』 の 冬 が 来 る。
さ あ 、 旅 に 出 よ う。
\2021 年 1 月 よ り 放送 開始 す る 『ゆ る キ ャ SEASON2』 の 特 報 第 2 弾 が 公開 ✨
『SEASON2』 を 一 足 早 く 見 る こ と が 出来 る 先行 上映 会 の ラ イ ブ ビ ュ ー イ ン グ チ ケ ッ ト は 11 月 14 日 (cy) よ り 一般 販 ー Ty# ゆ る キ ャ ン pic.twitter.com/Hf7lEnIths– TV ア ニ メ 「ゆ る キ ャ ン △」 シ リ ー ズ 公式 (@yurucamp_anime) November 12, 2021
The following is a synopsis of the first season of the Yuru Camp anime:
Rin is a girl who likes camping near Mount Fuji. Carrying his bicycle, he went to the campsite to enjoy the beautiful and calming view of Mount Fuji from the edge of the lake. On the way, he met a girl named Nadeshiko who had missed the last bus back home because he fell asleep in the toilet where he was camping. He finally chose to camp with Rin while enjoying the night view of Mount Fuji.
This anime clearly offers serenity which might be very suitable for those of you who are tired of assignments from school or work. Watching this anime will present a “calm” and “relaxed” nuance which is suitable for refreshing.
Curious? You can watch the first season on streaming sites like Crunchyroll or other alternative sites.
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