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3 Main Weaknesses of Harith in Mobile Legends that You Must Know

GridGames.IDHero mage which Moonton recently released inside games Mobile Legends, Harith, is not as scary as we thought.

Hero I just got rich so auto bannedOne of them is Harith, who is always a customer banned moment rank mode.

Harith has ability effect high ones, too cooldown on skill-skill hers is relatively short. Mainly, damage Harith you can’t underestimate, you know.

Also Read: Harith Officially Comes to Mobile Legends, This is Harith’s Painful Build

But, hero This cat-human form also has several weaknesses that you should know about.

1. Weak at early game

Even though they have damage high, but Harith’s still the same mage heroes other. Skill 2 of hers that deliver burst damage also still relatively small at the time early game.

Harith is still relatively weak at the moment early game especially if it is still below level 4 alias does not exist ultimate skill. He must always be protected by his teammates at all times early game and choose a safe position so that it doesn’t become the enemy’s food.

2. Must do farming

Well, here’s what you have to do so that Harith doesn’t lose the level. Farming!

Harith had to be frequent farming and especially earn buff. Because this will help Harith level up and get rich gold more than anything else to buy items required.

However, Harith who was still weak on early game as said earlier, you can’t farming alone. Doi must be helped by his teammates. Eits, but be careful the same miss last hit, yes!

If not farming or take the wrong tactic, Harith might even become a burden in the game.

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3. Harith Only a maximum of 1v1

This is it the most epic, Harith is good at just 1v1. If you meet more than one enemy, what do you do?

Well, he will not be able to survive if he is hit alley when alone, or if you are using Harith again, but get the wrong position when war.

Harith has skill with an area that is focused on one enemy only. Just like friends rolefocused and owning Cyclops and Harley ultimate skill lock up just one enemy.

How about it, are you still “afraid” and banned from Harith or released, huh?

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