5 Best Pets in the Latest Free Fire that Must Be Owned

Garena Free Fire always presents interesting features and events. In addition, this game also presents a pet, which is able to provide buffs to players. Various kinds of interesting buffs can be obtained through pets in this Free Fire game.
Free Fire has presented ten types of pets that can be used by current players. These pets can be purchased through the in-game shop, before buying them, here are the 5 best must-have pets
1. Falco
Falco is able to provide additional speed buffs to players and the entire team. Speed increases by 15% – 30% when gliding over the skydive, and 25% – 37% after opening the parachute.
2. Ottero
Ottera is able to restore a player’s EP when using a Med Kit or Treatment Gun, allowing players to obtain HP and EP simultaneously. If Ottero has reached level five, then the amount of EP obtained is 35% of the player’s HP.
3. Robo
Robo is able to combine the Gloo Wall with a shield and provide an additional 60 HP. (Max level 80 additional HP)
4. Mr. Waggor
Mr. Waggor is able to help players who don’t have a Gloo Wall, this pet can create a Gloo Wall with a cooldown of 120 seconds. (Max.cooldown reduced to 100 seconds)
5. Detective Panda
Detective Panda is able to increase the player’s HP by 4 HP with every kill obtained in the battlefield. The number of HP will continue to increase as the level increases on this pet.
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