5 Champions with the Most Damage Output in MOBA LoL Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – League of Legends: Wild Rift is currently one of the most played MOBA genre titles.
Presenting a more competitive gameplay with a variety of interesting features, this game has successfully become a new platform for MOBA lovers.
Well, players are now busy with selecting the champion that best suits their gameplay.
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Are you still confused about which champion to make the victory milestone?
If so, GridGames already has 5 lists of champions with the most damage output!
1. Darius

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Champion Darius in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Darius is one of the best champions to appear in the title League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Thanks to the combos that are presented and the damage output that cannot be underestimated, the champion is currently being feared when filling Baron Lane.
The ultimate called Noxian Guillotine is also one of the abilities that Darius is most afraid of.
This skill is able to provide true damage to make the opponent instantly die when he has a little HP.
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2. Garen

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Champion Garen in League of Legends: Wild Rift
For those of you who prefer the melee type champion and have a large damage output, Garen seems to be suitable for your gameplay.
Garen itself has the basic roles of Fighter and Tank, so you can still adjust it to the needs of the team.
The ultimate, called Demacian Justice, also provides direct AOE attacks on your opponents with calculated damage.
Interestingly, the ultimate can also hit other opponents within its range.
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3. Evelynn

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Evelynn in League of Legends: Wild Rift
For those of you who want to master jungle roles, a champ named Evelynn seems like a good fit for you.
Evelynn is a basic role pure jungle champion with medium difficulty.
The ultimate called Last Caress also has an untargetable effect, which means you can’t be counted at all.
Ultimate is also capable of causing enormous damage output, and can even instantly kill opponents who have HP below 30%.
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4. Ahri

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Ahri in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Ahri has a myriad of skills that can make this one champion difficult to beat.
Ahri himself is considered one of the champions with the ability to significantly increase movement speed.
The ultimate, called Spirit Rush, has the ability to stack 3 times to hit in a certain direction.
Ultimate can be used to chase enemies, rub opponents, cross walls to kill opponents because the damage incurred is also quite large.
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5. Nasus

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Nasus in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Champ with the basic role of Fighter and Tank is most often used to fill Baron Lane.
Even though it is a melee type, this champ cannot be underestimated because it has a very painful damage output.
His ultimate, Fury of the Sands, is also able to turn Nasus into a creepy figure.
With these changes, the basic damage given by Nasus will increase significantly.
Also Read: Tips and Tricks for Mastering Baron Lane in League of Legends: Wild Rift!
So, that was the recommendation for the champion with the biggest damage output, who in your opinion is the best champ right now?
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