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After having a hard time, RRQ Hoshi successfully conquered Geek Fam in MPL S7


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GridGames.ID – The defending champion of MPL ID, RRQ Hoshi managed to beat Geek Fam with a score of 2-1 on the first day of MPL Season 7.

Even though he encountered difficulties in the second game, RRQ Hoshi was still able to show his dominance in the third game.

The match between RRQ Hoshi and Geek Fam was fierce from the first game to the third game.

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Game 1 lasted 17 minutes with Geek Fam dominating the early minutes.

Geek Fam managed to kill the first Turtle in the early minutes and took the lower tower from RRQ Hoshi.

However, RRQ Hoshi managed to turn things around mid-game thanks to the role of Psycho using Akai.

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In the end, Psychoo was able to become the MVP and RRQ managed to beat Geek Fam with a score of 7-13.

The score of the first game


The score of the first game

In the second game, Geek Fam was again able to dominate the early minutes.

Learning from the first game, Geek Fam tried to keep pressing RRQ Hoshi and dominating the match so that he would no longer be hit comeback.

With Lord’s help, Geek Fam finally managed to win the second game in the 12th minute.

The score of the second game RRQ vs Geek Fam


The score of the second game RRQ vs Geek Fam

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It can be seen in the third game that RRQ Hoshi is playing more carefully.

Although on early game Geek Fam was able to dominate, but RRQ managed to turn things around with the help of using Psychoo signature hero, Akai.

RRQ Hoshi won this decisive game with a score of 16-7.

the score of the third game RRQ Hoshi vs Geek Fam


the score of the third game RRQ Hoshi vs Geek Fam

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With this result, RRQ Hoshi managed to occupy the top standings following Bigetron.

You can follow the progress of the next match through Nimo TV and the MPL Indonesia Youtube Channel.

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