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Be vigilant !!! 3 Marksman Very Deadly in Ranked Match!

Marksman is one of the role who holds the key to victory in a team. Hero Marksman is the source damage main team (core hero).

Because it cannot be arbitrary in choosing a hero Marksman which will be used later. This time Mimin has three heroes Marksman invincible and should be on the lookout for whenpick by the opponent.

Here is the hero order Marksman dangerous on tier Legend – Mythic.

1. Kimmy

Kimmy is hero Marksman which is currently the most dangerous in the match. Because Kimmy this has basic attack the current fastest even from early game though. This hero also gets a rotation farming fast.

Hero Kimmy can also master jungle monster belong to both the team itself and the opponent quickly. Not only that, Kimmy can also act quickly to do pushing to turret belonging to the opponent.

However it should be noted that at the time late game Kimmy less useful. Therefore, try to finish games quickly.

2. Granger

The next is Granger, This one Hero is oftenpick in match. Burst damage created by Granger this was indeed feared by all of his opponents, even from early game though.

The reason is. First, Granger can quickly kill jungle monster and minion clearing. Not only that, the agility of This hero is extraordinary. With skill 2it makes Grangerdifficult to target or chase by your opponent.

Here’s the video footage:

Another skill is distance from ultimate skill Granger this is very far away, so he can deliver damage even remotely. Therefore Granger very dangerous if in-pick in match.

3. Claude

In the third position there is Claude, Marksman this one is feared if it goes inside mid gamelate game. DPS which is given Claude very painful when he already has item Demon Hunter Sword and Golden Staff.

Area of ​​Effect from ultimate skill-nya able to cut down five opponents at once! Remember, Claude must already have two item above. Agility and speed movement speed from Claude this is also the reason why he is called dangerous.

Well, what do you think? among the three Marksman this, who is the most dangerous?

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