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(Build) Johnson, a car with a hobby of crashing into enemy heroes

Mobile Legends Tips and Tricks

Johnson, this cyborg character is arguably one of the most popular characters in Mobile Legends. One of the tanks with this unique capability brings its own advantages on the battlefield. In addition to a balanced skill set with offensive and defensive skills, this extra-large character is also arguably one of the characters with the highest mobility in Mobile Legends. Crowned as Crowd Control and Innitiator, Johnson’s main task on the battlefield is to suddenly enter the enemy crowd, destroy enemy formations and stay in the battle until all enemies lose or run.

Broadly speaking, Johnson can cover all the needs of a team. Stun? can, offense? can! Mobile? can!. The varied skill setups make this one character a strong wingman for all situations. Johnson shines the most when he can surprise the enemy with his ultimate. Rarely can the enemy get out of the battle without being scuffed when hit by this blue truck, especially if he is carrying passengers who are no less fatal like Odette, Karina, or Aurora, the less who can get out of the battle alive. This character takes a little bit of practice and experience to really shine on the battlefield, but when you’re used to driving in the arena, no enemy is safe from Johnson’s attack.


Johnson Attribute



HP Regen




Mana Regen


Physical Attack


Basic Attack Crit Rate


Magic Power


Ability Crit Rate


Attack Speed




Movement Speed


Magic Resistance



Deadly Pincers

Active – Blink, Crowd Control
Johnson throws a wrench in the intended direction to produce 200 (+ 150% Total Physical DEF) magic damage to all enemies that are passed. Enemies in the area where the Wrench lands will be stunned.



200/230/260/290/320/3509 / 8.4 / 7.8 / 7.2 / 6.6 / 6

Electromag Rays

Active – AOE, Buff

Johnson will raise his shield for 3 seconds and spit out a beam that produces magic damage in a cone-shaped area. All enemies who enter the attack area of ​​this skill will be exposed to 80 (+ 20% total armor) magic damage, and become slower. Other skills and regular attacks can still be done while this skill is active.



80/95/110/125/140/15510/10/10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5

Rapid Touchdown

Active – Ultimate, Crowd Control
Passive: Adds 10% Armor

Active: Johnson will turn into a car, and slowly become faster. Team members can ride with Johnson and advance with Johnson as long as this skill is active. When hitting an enemy in the form of a car, Johnson will stun all targets and all enemies around the target for 0.5 to 1 second and are exposed to 300 (90% total Magic Power) -750 (225% total magic power) magic damage depending on the the speed of the car. After crashing, the area around the collision location will be electrified and produce 80 (20% magic power) magic damage to all enemies in the area. Press the Throttle skill button to increase speed, and press the Brake skill button to stop.



Minimum 300/450/600

Maximum 750/1125/1500


Damage area



10% / 20% / 30%

Recommended Battle Spell

FlickerFlicker here can be used for players to run away from enemies when they have no skills at all, nowhere, or are being chased by enemies.
AegisThis ability can be used during a war to support teammates and also as a final solution when ambushed by an enemy.

Recommended Item Build

Buff Tank

Warrior Boots

Athena’s Shield


Courage’s Bulwark

Blade Armor

Blade Armor

Offensive Tanks

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