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Don't Know AoE, CC, Buff, Burst & Blink in Mobile Legends? This means

Mobile Legends (GridGames)

GridGames.ID – Those of you who like to play the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang must be familiar with the words AoE, CC, Buff, Burst, and Blink, right?

These words appear under the hero skills we use while playing Mobile Legends.

The term Mobile Legends skill

Most MOBA gamers must have understood it, but maybe some of you who are just playing Mobile Legends are confused about what these terms mean.

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Instead of being confused, let’s read the explanation below about the words under the Mobile Legends hero skill.


AoE stands for Area of ​​Effect which is the effect of a hero’s skill that covers an area and can hit multiple targets at once.

So, if you see this article under the hero skill you are using, then that skill is an area-shaped skill.


Crowd Control or commonly abbreviated as CC is a skill that can control, reduce, or limit or even eliminate the opponent’s movements.

CC itself has different types, such as Blind which can give your opponent a chance to miss when attacking.

Then there is Silence which makes the opponent unable to use the spell for a while.

The most common CC we find is Slow which can slow down the opponent’s movements and attacks, and Stun which makes the opponent unable to move or use items and skills for a while.


Buffs are skills that can strengthen the attributes of the heroes we use, for example speeding up movement, increasing armor, accelerating attack speed and physical attacks, and much more.

Hence, it’s no wonder that Mobile Legends heroes are eyeing buff monsters to strengthen their attributes.

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Burst can do great damage and it is the same as burst damage to build, which is to do more damage than attack speed.


Blink is a skill that allows us to move places quickly, and usually this Blink ability is used to chase targets.

But, skills are also often used to escape, you know. Ha ha ha…

This skill is owned by almost all of the Assassin and Fighter heroes, because it is very suitable for those who have great damage and are able to kill opponents, also have a cell that is not really big.

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