Dynasty Scrolls. The Latest Mobile Card Game From YOOZOO Has Been Released!

The title of the Dynasty Scrolls game made by Yoozoo
GridGames.ID – Following the announcement some time ago, Dynasty Scrolls is now available on the iOS and Android platforms.
This game with the RPG genre wrapped in card mechanics will provide a challenge for players to collect a large number of characters to form a team.
This game has also proven popular in Asia with the success of gathering 200 million registered players.
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Developers will also celebrate the release of Dynasty Scrolls with a series of in-game events and prizes.
Not only events, login prizes will also be provided, such as premium items and clothing or clothing for players.
Those of you who play are also entitled to get Level Rush Gift as a reward for every level 10.
Not only the prizes above, there is also an item called Red Packet Rain which gives random gold prizes to all players.
While the luckiest ones will be given the main prize in the form of other premium items.
For those of you who are trying to increase your rating through Story Chapters, you are entitled to rare Hero Shards items.
This game has a background story of Three Kingdoms in China and promises players a complex and strategic gameplay.
For those of you who prefer a challenge, this game also provides PvP and PvE modes to choose from.
A number of customization options are also provided in terms of assembling a team before going down to battle.
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Dynasty Scrolls is now available for free for you to play, and can be downloaded via your favorite App Store and Google Play.
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