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Get Free Mobile Legend Skins and Heroes through the "2020 Lucky Star: Luckiest in a Billion" Event

2020 Lucky Star

Like the Free fire Game, Moonton also offers various kinds of prizes, in the game it makes, Mobile Legend. Via a named event 2020 Lucky Star: Luckiest in a Billion, Moonton will hold a special free ticket that is used to get all skins and heroes for free in the Mobile Legend game with a permanent duration.

An event that really attracts the attention of gamers which is still going on November 14 to 20, in the Mobile Legends game, entitled Lucky Star. At this Lucky Star event, players will get offers of free skin tickets, as well as free hero tickets, which are available in the Mobile Legends game. Which means players who are lucky in this Lucky Star event, can have all the heroes and skins for free, and the duration is permanent. It is stated that the Lucky Star event is expected to be able to help free players who want to have all the hero characters in the Mobile Legend game, but still have difficulty buying them using battle points.

On this golden opportunity, the Lucky Star event, Mobile Legends will be held on the Advance server. And to lucky players later, players will get hero characters, which will only be released before November 30, 2021, not only heroes who become attractive offers at the Lucky Star event, they will also provide not only some free skins, but players will get all Mobile Legend free skins, permanently. Attractive prizes from Lucky Star, can be used in Classic and Ranked Mode.

Unfortunately, Moonton stated that, the prizes obtained at the Lucky Star event, can only be used by one account, with the same server. Lucky players can get prizes in the Lucky Star event, it is emphasized that these players may not sell or lend accounts that get prizes from the Lucky Star event, the rules are made by Moonton’s party, and if Moonton gets players who break the rules, his party will expressly withdraw the prize from the player.

In the Lucky Star event, players will get only one prize, among the prizes offered by Lucky Star, between Hero, and Skin permanently. However, it is possible for lucky players, Moonton will also give both prizes. Not only lucky players, moonton will also give 2 Free Trials the first is, limited access to all heroes and skins for 100 days, and limited free access to heroes and skins for 30 days, as a gift, to players who are less fortunate in getting one of the prizes from the Lucky Star event.

Unfortunately, there has been no good news from Moonton, if the event will be present at Original Server. Meanwhile, the Lucky Star event, can only be played in Advance server only.

You can listen directly, how to get free skins and heroes in the 2021 Lucky Star Event: Luckiest in a Billion, in the video below.

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