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Global Soft Launch Stage Opens, Warhammer Odyssey Is Finally Released!

GridGames.ID – Virtual Realms has finally released the MMO Warhammer: Odyssey after the beta test phase.

The game is now entering the soft-launch stage available globally on iOS and Android.

Warhammer: Odyssey is an open-world MMO title set in the Warhammer universe known as Old World.

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Now you can explore the bustling port of Marienberg, the polluted Drakwald Forest, to other extraordinary areas in this game.

As an MMO title, you can play with your friends or create Regiments of Renown or simply a guild to defeat monsters or bosses together.

You can also complete a goal or quest together with your friends.

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Interestingly, you can sell your loot or loot to the Auction House and become a Master of Commerce.

In this game, there are three races that you can choose from, such as Human, Elf, or Dwarf.

Apart from that, you can also choose between six different classes such as Witch Hunter, Archmage, Slayer, Engineer, Shadow Warrior, or Warrior Priest.

Not only that, after choosing a class, you can also have character specialties which are divided into 12 parts.

Each specialization has different skills and play styles, such as Slayer who is good at fighting or Warrior Priest who can protect your friends.

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In this global soft-launch stage, the level cap has been increased to 30, so that players can further customize their character.

Warhammer: Odyssey is now available in the global soft-launch stage and you can download it via your favorite App Store and Google Play.

Also Read: Strategy RPG Game ‘Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower’ Finally Released

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