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Guide for Job Merchants - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA

Job Guide Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA



Merchant is a special profession that prioritizes trade over battle. This profession is not good at fighting but can rent Carts from the Kafra for trade and has the largest capacity to store items. Besides, abilities like Overcharge dam Discount makes it easy for him to get a lot of Zenny and save it.

Job Merchant Tree

Merchant – Blacksmith – Whitesmith

Strength AMD weekness:

+ Has a fairly large damage output

+ There is a buff that increases the amount of Zeny a monster drops

+ Can give get a discount when buying from NPCs

– There are skills that use Zeny to use

Max Job Stat Bonus (Level 40)

STR : +13

AGI : +8

VIT : +3

INT : +1

DEX : +5

LUK : +5

Merchant Skills:

Merchant is the only job that has skills to sell and several skills such as Discount can benefit the player. In addition, Merchants can also use a stroller to carry goods as an attack.

Cart Attack

Deals 750% non-elemental physical damage at level 10 to a single enemy. This skill requires a train to use it.

Cart Remodeling

Increases ATK by 150 at level 10 for all attacks using a stroller.

Change Cart

Increase the number of trains that can be stored. At level 5, players will get Shiny Cart and MeowMeow Cat.

Crazy Uproar

Increases STR by 10 at level 10 for a duration of 300 seconds. This buff will disappear if Clearance and Quagmire are famous.


Deals 600% physical damage at level 10 for a cost of 1000 Zeny.


Get a 10% discount on level 10 when buying items from NPCs.


Increases the selling price of items sold to NPCs by 24% at level 10.

Collect Zeny

Get a 20% bonus zeny at level 10 when picking up zeny.

How to Become a Merchant

To become a Merchant, you only need to raise your Job Level Novice to 10 then meet the NPC in Prontera City to start the job change process. You can follow the main mission (red exclamation mark) to be asked to change into a Merchant. For details, you can visit the Job Change Guide article 1.

Skill Build Job Merchant – Blacksmith – Whitesmite

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