How to Change Job Alchemist - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA
Contributed by: Harry
In this guide, we will provide directions in completing job changes from a Merchant to an Alchemist.
Because Alchemist is an alternative job from a job Merchant, then you are required to be Merchant first and have a job level 40. After you achieve this all of you will automatically get a follow-up quest which requires you to head to Adventure HQ located in Prontera.
Once you are at Adventure HQ you are required to talk to NPC Gunther To get a quest to change to an Alchemist, because this job is an alternative job, you will be asked to choose a job change by NPC Gunther, of course you will choose to become an Alchemist.
First of all, you will be asked to go to the Alchemist guild located at Al De Baran, once you get there you are required to talk to NPC Palomi Kianino.
After that you will be asked to talk to the Alchemist guild leader, namely NPC Binsand Carlsloe.
After that the guild leader will order you to talk to him again NPC Palomi Kianino and after you talk to him you will get a mission to find items, now for the first quest you can just collect Sticky Mucus x1 and Scell x2.
Now after you hand it over you will be asked to find more items, here you just collect Memento x1, Hard Skin 2x, and Gold Sand x1.
After you finish doing the quest from NPC Palomi Kianino you will be asked to talk to NPC Niklas Pollamedia which is located at the bottom.
So here you will be asked some questions.
Question 1: X / NO
Question 2: O / YES
Question 3: O / YES
Question 4: O / YES
After you are done with NPC Niklas Pollamedia you will be asked to go to the Mage Guild located in Geffen. Furthermore, you are required to talk to NPC Tved Bag who will give you a quest to install a monster detector in Geffen Dungeon.
After you finish installing the monster detector, return to the Tved Tas NPC, then you will be directed to NPC Niklas Pollamedia again.
After you talk to NPC Niklas Pollamedia then he will direct you to the guild leader and finally you just go to the guild leader and talk to him. After talking, your quest to become an Alchemist is complete.
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