How to Change Job to Hunter - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA
Hunter is an advanced job from Archer.
In Ragnarok M Eternal Love, Hunter is a continuation of the job Archer. So after you become an Archer, you can move on to jobs Hunter or Bard / Dancer. However, for Bard / Dancer, this job is not available in the current episode. To change to a Hunter job, your Archer job level must reach level 40 first. After job level 40, you will get a mission to change jobs back automatically.
After getting the mission, you will be asked to go to Adventures HQ (place to change jobs) in the city Prontera and talk to the NPC Kebak to choose a mission change to Hunter.
Task 1
For the first assignment, you will be asked by an NPC Kebak to find the leader or president of the Hunter guild named Sherling that is in the city Payon.
To go to town Payon, you can go through the south portal (below) of the map Prontera South Gate to head for Sograt Desert. From Sograt Desert, go to the eastern portal (right) to head Poring Island.
From Poring Island, go to the upper right portal to head Payon South. From Payon South go to the north portal (above) to go to the city Payon. Arriving at Payon, go to the top right of town to find an NPC Sherling. Talk to the NPC Sherling to give Reference Letter from the NPC Kebak previous.
Task 2
After giving the Reference Letter, you will be given 5 questions for you to answer.
Question 1: Answer X (wrong)
Question 2: Answer O (correct)
Question 3: Answer X (wrong)
Question 4: Answer O (correct)
Question 5: Answer O (correct)
After answering all questions from Sherling correctly, you will be asked to meet a named NPC Shecil Devine who are on Izlude Island to take the combat test.
Task 3
After arrive Izlude Island, look for the NPC Shecil Devine which is on the top right of the city. Talk to Shecil Devineto start combat test. In the first combat test you are required to fight Poison Spore, Whisper, Pirate Skeleton, and Skeleton available automatically and at this training ground.
When you’re done beating all the monsters, talk back to Shecil Devine where you are asked to do advanced combat tests at Mjolnir Mountain.
Task 4
Arriving at Mjolnir Mountain, go to the top left of the map to fight the monsters designated in this advanced combat test.
The monsters that come will be divided into 3 waves, with 10 monsters each for each wave.
After you guys fight all the monsters, talk to me again Shecil Devine who are not far from the location and you will be asked to return to Sherling to submit a report.
Arriving at Payon, immediately meet Sherling to complete the mission to change to a Hunter job and congratulate you on becoming a Hunter.
Don’t forget to hire a Falcon to the NPC Lamiere Nas the one in Prontera. The price for renting a Falcon is 2000 zeny.
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