How To Turn Into High Priest - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA
For those of you who are already priests and wish to become a high priest, in this guide, Game Fever Indonesia will tell you the process of becoming a High Priest.
The main requirement is Job Level Priest you must reach level 40. If you play as Priest with a build Full Support of course this will be a difficulty in itself, because you have to find friends to level up together. But it will not be discussed now, please pay attention to the guidelines!
After you reach Job Level 40, you will be asked to meet with NPC Higgy Eez who are on Adventure HQ Prontera.
After talking to him, you will be asked to speak with NPC Laiyinasi to be given the next mission.
You will be asked three questions that are not difficult by NPC Laiyinasi. Of the three questions, you can simply answer O for the question. After that you can continue your mission.
Next, you will be ordered to carry out an investigation of the anomaly that occurs in Labyrinth Forest.
Arriving at Labyrinth Forest you just follow where your goals are ordered. Because this place has several portals that will confuse you if you don’t know where to go. Arriving at the first location, you will be told to use an item, and soon you will be faced with the third Dark Khalitzburg that needs to be defeated. It’s not difficult, even if you become Priest Full Support.
Finish beating all three Dark Khalitzburg then you will be faced with three pieces Dark Deviruchi. Still the same, you will not find it difficult to defeat this monster.
After beating Dark Deviruchi, your mission has not been completed. Because you will be faced with three pieces Dark Jakk.
After defeating all these monsters, there will be a little conversation and after that you will be asked to go to another location but still on the map. Labyrinth Forest. Arriving at that location you are also required to carry out an investigation and after that you will be confronted with a Dark Deviling. There is no need to be afraid, because this is not a real MVP, so you will not die against this monster.
Finish beating Dark Deviling, you will be asked to return to talk to NPC Laiyinasi which is in Adventure HQ. And you will be told to give Dark Attachment Ripple to Laiyinasi.
After giving the item, you will be asked to talk to NPC Mathay Siv which is in North Prontera, to be able to get access to Book of Ymir.
After reading the book, Mathay Siv will transport you to a room containing it Book of Ymir and after arriving, you just have to talk to the book. After talking with the book you will enter into the ceremonial process. Congratulations! You have become one High Priest.
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