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How to Turn into a Whitesmith - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA

Contributed by: Muflih Dhia Yudhistira

To become a Whitesmith, you must first touch Job Level 40 for Blacksmith. For a guide to become a Blacksmith, you can read here How to Turn into a Blacksmith. After you reach Job Level 40 Blacksmith, a quest will appear that requires you to meet NPC Higgy Eez

After talking to him, Higgy Eez will ask you to talk to NPC Gunther. Gunther will give you an item as a sign of congratulations on turning you into a person Whitesmith.

After that, you will be asked to speak with NPC Artya Inchen who are on Geffen. That means we will give you some questions, no need to be afraid because we have summarized the questions.

Question 1: Morroc is located where from Prontera? Southwest (O)

Question 2: Mora Coin can ‘be puchased with Zeny (X)

Question 3: The city where you can buy Int Meal B is: Geffen (O)

Question 4: Aside from Payon, Sack Teddy Shoes can also be Crafted in Izlude (X)

Question 5: Cat’s Blessing is dropped by the monster: Kobold Leader (X)

Question 6: Becoming a Whitesmith is your only objective (X)

After answering the question earlier, Artya will tell you to defeat Dark Atroce. When you are ready, all you have to do is press options Confirm.

Successfully defeating Dark Atroce, you will get Dark Attachment Ripple which is where you have to give the item to NPC Artya.

After giving the item, NPC Artya will ask you to pay 150,000 Zeny so make sure you have enough money to turn into a Whitesmith. After that you guys can go to NPC Mathay Siv that is in Prontera to take to Book of Ymir.

Finish reading Book of Ymir, you will enter the ceremonial room to be inducted into a Whitesmith. Congratulations! But your journey isn’t over yet, because there will be other updates.

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