Leveling Tips with Auto Mode - Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA
Contributor: Laurensia Jesika
Ragnarok M Eternal Love has an auto mode system where you can attack monsters automatically. Here are some tips for leveling with auto mode.
1. How to Enable Auto Mode
First, first determine the place you specify to run auto mode. Arriving at the designated place, press the crossed sword button on the right of the screen. After pressing the button, choose the monster you want to fight. You can choose a specific monster or choose to fight all the monsters in the map
2. Put skills in the Auto Skill Slot
In auto mode, you can also put your skills into the auto skill slots that have been provided. So that when you fight monsters in auto mode, your character can also issue the skills that have been placed in the auto skill slot earlier.
3. Use Adventure Skill “Stay Alert”
Stay Alert is an adventure skill that you can pick up from the Adventur Skill NPC in Prontera at a cost of 1 skill point and 30,000 zeny. The function of the Stay Alert skill is that your character will stand at one point and not go after the enemy. So your character will only attack monsters that are in the range of the character’s standing location. This Stay Alert skill is more suitable for job ranges such as archer / hunter / sniper, mage / wizard / high wizard and others.
4. Choose a dungeon / map that has monsters that come out periodically and a lot
Just a tip, look for a dungeon or map with a large number of monsters and come out periodically. If you choose hunt solo, you should avoid maps / dungeons with aggressive monsters.
The following are recommendations for places that you can use when running Auto Mode:
Level 10-20 North Prontera
You can look for Wormtails or Poring in North Prontera.
Level 20-30 Labyrinth Forest
In the Labyrinth Forest, an area that has many monsters that come out periodically, so it is very suitable for the auto mode area.
Level 30-40 Goblin Forest
In Goblin Forest, there are a lot of Goblins so it is very suitable for the auto mode area.
Level 40-50 Ant Hell
Ant Hell is located at Sograt Dessert under Morroc. This area has lots of monsters which of course come out periodically.
Level 50-60 North Prontera
You can go back to North Prontera to fight Metalers.
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