Recommended Build Champion Fizz for League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Fizz in League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – Fizz seems to be found very often in every game, guys.
Champion Fizz itself has the basic characteristics of the Assassin and Mage roles, so that it can be adjusted according to the existing enemy conditions.
Moreover, this Champion has control skills that cannot be underestimated.
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Ultimate Fizz called Chum The Water is able to control enemy movements directly.
If used by shrewd pilots, Fizz is able to pull off deadly combos for enemy champions with flabby characters.
Well, the players who see this uniqueness, then try to be able to control this versatile champion.
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And currently, the number one or top player champion Fizz is filled by players from China who have IGN ‘沧 笙 踏雪 忆 白 泽’ with a score of 2,953.

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana
Top player Champion Fizz in League of Legends: Wild Rift (16/11/20)
This player has an interesting Fizz build to follow, guys, let’s see!
- Lich Bane
- Morellonomicon
- Ionian Stasis
- Hextech Gunblade
- Rabadon’s Beathcap
- Void Staff
The combination of items above is able to issue outpud damage significantly, because all of these items have the effect of increasing the ability-power.
- Electrocute
- Triumph
- Regeneration
- Hunter – Genius
This combination of runes is intended for those of you who want to bring out the potential output damage from Fizz significantly.
Especially by using Hunter – Genius, the Reduction CD will be added.
This Fizz Build is intended for those of you who want to fill Mid Lane, guys!
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GridGames assesses that the build used by players from China is very good when you meet enemies with soft characteristics.
But when it was late, this Buid Fizz didn’t have the defense to withstand enemy marksman attacks.
For the record, Build champ Fizz is not optimal in all situations and battle conditions, guys.
So you can still adjust it further.
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