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Recommended Build for Best Champion Akali League of Legends: Wild Rift

Champion Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Champion Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames.ID – This one Assassin Champion seems to be being used often because of his agility in picking up opponents, yup Akali.

Even though Akali has a basic role of Assassin, this champ is also often used to fill Mid Lane guys.

Akali itself has a high level of difficulty to master, but that is not an obstacle for some players because the output that is issued feels worth it to use.

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Akali’s 2nd skill called Twilight Shroud is able to make this one invisible champ and add movement speed which is deemed sufficient to kill your opponent suddenly.

Moreover, the ultimate called Perfect Execution has 2 types of damage, namely physical and magic which can make your opponent feel in pain.

Well, this champ’s advantage then makes some players want a build that is commensurate with releasing all its potential.

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Currently, the top player ranking for Akali is filled by players who have IGN ‘LifePuzzle’ with a rating of 2,935.

Top player Champion Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift (18/11/20)

GridGames / Teguh Wicaksana

Top player Champion Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift (18/11/20)

This player has an interesting build to use, let’s see!


  • Guardian Angel
  • Spirit Visage
  • Ninja’s Glory
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Thornmail
  • Hextech Gunblade

The combination of the items above is able to produce a fairly large damage output, even though the build above is not focused on releasing all of Akali’s potential.

The build above is more concerned with endurance or endurance from Akali, maybe because Akali itself has a fairly large basic damage, guys.

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  • Conqueror
  • Hunter – Vampirism
  • Hunter – Titan
  • Sweet Tooth

The combination of runes above is fairly hybrid because the main focus is on constant damage output and additional HP regeneration from Hunter – Titan.


This build is used for those of you who want to fill Mid Lane or Baron Lane, guys!

Also Read: Recommended Build for Best Champion Graves League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames assessed that this Akali build was unable to release all of its potential damage.

But on the other hand, the endurance of this build is able to make Akali very feared in the late game.

Also Read: Recommended Build Items for Miss Fortune League of Legends: Wild Rift

For the record, this Akali build is not optimal for all situations.

So, you can still customize it further, huh!

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