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Set the best title point blank to quickly kill your opponent

When playing the Point Blank game, besides the skills that we have to master, there are also items that must be owned to complement our skills when playing to be even better. The name of the item is Title.

Titles really help you in the Point Blank game. Before we get into the main discussion, we must first know what the meaning of the FAQ Title is so that we don’t get confused with the definition of the title.

FAQ Title Tree Point Blank

What is the Title Tree? Title Tree is a sequence of titles that can be used in accordance with the requirements that must be met.

For example, if you want to take the title Super Assaulter / Super Assault Officer, you must meet the following requirements.

  • Has 13 units of Medals and 3 units of Master Medals.
  • Has fulfilled the requirements for the title Top Assaulter and Super Infiltrator Officer.
  • Minimum rank 1st Lieutenant grade 1 (Diamond 2 pick 1).

If you already understand the Title Tree, you will not be confused by the conditions for taking certain titles that some of you may not understand.

Mimin will also tell you why the Title Tree has title branches. For clarity, you can see the image below.

You will see a colorful box. There is another name for the title in the colored box. In order from above, the name is PRIMARY, PARENT, and ADVANCED.

Explanation of the Title Tree Point Blank

  • PRIMARY: The main title you need to unlock PARENT and ADVANCED.
  • PARENT: The initial title which will later open up ADVANCED.
  • ADVANCED: Title that has a more specific use.

Functions and Uses of Title Point Blank

  • Jump Ability : Provides a further lomapatan effect.
  • Moving Agility : Provides a more regular movement effect (highly recommended).
  • Weapon Reaction : Reduces recoil. Recoil is the vibration up and down of the weapon. Suitable for Assault type weapons.
  • Moving Speed : Speed ​​up our movement. Suitable for type players rusher.
  • Range Damage : Increases the range of the bullets we shoot. It can be said that it also increases the damage. Because if you use a sniper then shoot at a considerable distance, your enemy can be hit by bullets, but not 1 hit. So the weapon you use has a small damage, you can use this title. Suitable for sniper and shotgun types.
  • Accuracy : Increase accuracy. Accuracy is the accuracy of the bullet when shooting at the enemy. So our bullets will follow the crosshair we aim. What is a crosshair? Crosshair is a green dot when we play PB which aims to direct the bullet we want to shoot.
  • Fire Speed : Increases the speed of the bullets we shoot. Suitable for Sub Machine Gun type weapons. Moreover, weapons that have dual modes, such as the Kriss SV and OA-93.
  • Throw Distance : Increases range when throwing grenades. You can throw grenades farther than usual.
  • First Shot : Increases the damage from the first bullet released after reloading. Suitable for sniper and shotgun types.
  • Falldown Damage: Reduces damage when you fall from a height.
  • Explosion Delay : Speed ​​up the installation of C-4 bombs and when defusing C-4.
  • Explosion Range : Increases the range of explosive power of the grenades you throw or stick.

Point Blank’s Best Title

1. Title Kriss SV Point Blank

Title Kriss SV
Title Kriss SV

This title Kriss SV was recommended by Marv (commentator PB Garena). Because Kriss SV is very fast at firing bullets, we don’t need to use the Title Fire Speed ​​anymore.

Why should you use this title? Title First Shot can get the first shot and Title Range Damage so that when shooting from afar, we can kill the enemy easily.

Even though the negative effect is reducing the fire speed, using this title, I guarantee the Kriss SV bullets during Dual Mode will be more targeted according to the crosshair.

2. Title AUG A3 Point Blank

Title AUG A3
Title AUG A3

AUG A3 has painful damage. However, I feel that the bullet speed of the AUG A3 is very low, so here we are using the Title Fire Speed.

Then we use Title Range Damage so that attacks from a distance can be more affordable.

Even though the negative effect is reducing the fire speed, this will yield good results because the recoil of the AUG A3 is quite large.

So that by reducing the fire speed, you will be more flexible in controlling this weapon.

3. Title P90 Point Blank

Title P90
Title P90

The P90 Ext is a very easy weapon to get a headshot. To make it easier to target the head, here I am using a Title Weapon Reaction so that the recoil of the P90 Ext is more awake.

Then we used the Title Range Damage to balance out the negative effects of the Title Weapon Reaction.

Reducing the fire speed of the P90 Ext is a very good decision. Because the slower the bullet that a weapon releases, the more awake the recoil is.

4. Title Blank AWP Sniper

Title Sniper AWP
Title Sniper AWP

When using a sniper type weapon, it’s better if you can get a kill with just 1 hit. Therefore, we are using the Title First Shot.

If you are in a duel, using this title you will get the first hit to the enemy. Then there is Title Range Damage which functions to extend the range of snipers and shotguns when playing long distances.

5. Title Blank Shotgun

Title Shotgun
Title Shotgun

Similar to the title sniper, the shotgun is suitable for using the Title First Shot to get the first hit on the opponent.

Because the range of bullets from the shotgun is not too far away, here we are using Title Range Damage to overcome it.

By knowing the function of the title in Point Blank, it can make our weapons even more effective in shooting or the title of sick weapon maker. However, you don’t have to follow the title above. All choices are yours.

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