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These 5 games are suitable to fill your Ngabuburit time in the fasting month

GridGames.ID – The fasting month is a blessing month for Muslims.

But unfortunately in this fasting month, many things happened that made the fasting month not as beautiful as the previous years.

Playing games became very exciting during the PSBB era and we were obliged to just hang out at home.

Also Read: 5 Mobile Games To Fill In Free Time During Holidays Due To Coronavirus

This time, GridGames as an online media that always provides information about the latest, exciting, interesting, unique, cool games, will provide information about five games that are suitable to be played today.

1. Mario Kart Tour

Mario Kart Tour game became the second most successful mobile game after 1 month of release

Mario Kart Tour game became the second most successful mobile game after 1 month of release

The newest racing game from Nintendo is perfect for playing with friends and family while waiting for the time to break the fast.

Fun features like multiplayer can be used to spend time playing together.

There are several Nintendo characters such as Mario, Luigi to Pincess Peach in this game that you can collect and make your friends or family jealous.

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2. KartRider Rush +

KartRider Rush, the newest mobile racing game from Nexon, has entered the Pre-Register stage

KartRider Rush, the newest mobile racing game from Nexon, has entered the Pre-Register stage

Still in a racing game, this time there is the newest game from Nexon, KartRider Rush +.

This game was really released this week and is one of the most competitive games.

This game is arguably a karting game that provides the most competitive experience.

You can play with friends to your family while waiting for the time to break your fast, don’t forget to open it with dates to make it sweeter.

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3. Mobile Legend

Odette and Johnson Mobile Legends combo

Youtube Hororo Channel

Odette and Johnson Mobile Legends combo

MOBA is indeed a hot-trending game today because it presents one of the most competitive gameplay.

There are many characters and skins in this game, you can also share the characters and skins to add this blessed unlocked reward.

MOBA is a game that is very suitable to be played together while waiting for the maghrib drum to sound at this time.

But don’t forget to turn off the stove first, if you play MOBA, because playing this game is quite a long time, which is 10-30 minutes.

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4. PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile Official Facebook

PUBG Mobile

Entering the battle-royale genre, PUBG Mobile is now a trending game for those of you who have a barbaric fighter mentality.

In this game, a give away feature for skins and outfits is also provided, so don’t worry for those of you who want to share blessings in the fasting month.

Games that really need this strategy are well suited to be discussed from the gameplay side to the features.

The multiplayer feature that is presented is very suitable to be played with friends to your family while waiting for the muezzins to carry out their duties.

You can also wait for the call to prayer while talking about the strategy you want to implement in the next match.

Also Read: Bored Playing Moba? Try the Sensation of 5 Exciting Non-Moba Games Below

5. Ludo King

Ludo King

Ludo King

Now we discuss a casual game that is simple but arguably the most competitive, Ludo King.

This game has a ludo theme, which is a board game that aims to control 4 ludo children to the finish line.

But the challenge is that it is not easy for you to get to the finish line because it could be that your Ludo child is hit by another player and has to start over from the starting line.

Uniquely, this game can be played using 1 smartphone or via online.

You can play with friends to your family with up to six players at once.

This game is very suitable to be played while watching Kompas TV releasing footage of maghrib call to prayer.

Also Read: Learning How Playing Games Can Increase Your Creativity

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