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This is the Function of Battle Spell Scout and Vengeance in Mobile Legends Update

Thamuz Becomes the Front Cover of Mobile Legends


Thamuz Becomes the Front Cover of Mobile Legends

GridGames.ID – In the latest Mobile Legends patch 1.3.14 update on the official server, there are two new types of battle spells presented, Scout and Vengeance.

Well, one of the battle spells above is a rework from the previous battle spell, Weaken which is reworked into a Scout.

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Before changing, Weaken’s battle spell functions to reduce enemy movement speed by 70%, physical attack and magic power by 50% for 3 seconds.

Weaken Battle Spell


Weaken Battle Spell

After turning into a Scout, this battle spell is able to summon Harper, a magic assistant, to gain visibility from a predetermined area.

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Harper will show himself when the enemy approaches and when Harper comes in contact with the enemy he will disappear, then the next cooldown will be reduced by 30%.

Battle Spell Scout


Battle Spell Scout

Vengeance is the second newest battle spell after Scout, it is able to provide 192-360 magical damage to the opposing hero who inflicts damage to the caster for 4 seconds.

Battle Spell Vengeance


Battle Spell Vengeance

How, have you tried this latest battle spell yet?

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