This is the Latest Mode from Game Plague Inc!

The creators of Plague, Inc. has announced that they are working on a new mode “which allows players to save the world from a deadly disease outbreak.” This mode is being developed “with the help of experts such as from the World Health Organization.
The new mode will be free for all players, although a release date has yet to be announced.
As noted from January, the spread of the coronavirus sparked renewed interest in Plague, Inc. at the same time as steam players whose online numbers are increasing. At that time, the developers warned that Plague, Inc. not a scientific model, even though it is designed as realistically and informatively as possible.

The makers of Plague, Inc. has also contributed IDR 2 billion to help fight the coronavirus, Ndemic Creations announced yesterday.
“Eight years ago, I never imagined that the real world would resemble a Plague Inc. game. Or how many people use Plague Inc. to help them get through the real pandemic, ”said creator James Vaughan. “We are proud to help support the work of WHO and CEPI as they work to find a vaccine for COVID-19.”
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