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Tips and Tricks to Play Wild Rift for Beginners, Learn to Carry 3 Minutes!

GridGames.ID – It won’t be felt in the next few weeks, MOBA lovers made by Riot Games, League of Legends will be able to try the ported version for the mobile platform.

October 28, League of Legends: Wild Rift Open-Beta (OBT) will be officially released.

A number of updates or additions have also been prepared by the developer from the closed-beta version.

Game Online and Tips Techno 

Also Read: Wild Rift Developers Reveal Detailed OBT Dates and Latest Updates

Now, for those of you who don’t really understand playing Wild Rift, GridGames already has a few special tips for beginners, let me see!

1. Understand the Role / Champion

Champion Wild Rift


Champion Wild Rift

Currently, the closed-beta version of Wild Rift has 42 Champions to learn from, 7 Champions will follow during the OBT version, so there are a total of 49 Champions that you can master later.

Each Champion has different characteristics or skills.

Keep in mind, in Wild Rift there are 3 basic skills and 1 ultimate skill, so you need to practice the combos of each skill that is presented.

Considering that this game is ported from the PC version, League of Legends, so at least you have an idea of ​​how to build or follow meta developments.

There are five roles that you can master, such as Jungle, Top Lane, Mid Lane, Attack Damage Carry (ADC), and Support.

Just a tip in Wild Rift, Champion Archers can not only be used to fill ADC roles, they can also be used for Jungle roles, as well as other Champions.

Every Champion here, has a hidden meta gameplay that you can understand as you experience playing.

Also Read: Here it is! Complete list of Champions League of Legends: Wild Rift

2. Understand the Map

Wild Rift Map

Wild Rift

Wild Rift Map

Understanding the location of the bush or bush, as well as the location of the Baron and Dragon Line is an absolute must when playing Wild Rift.

For those of you who want to fill Baron Lane (BL), use a Champion with a strong defensive power, so that the chance during your 1v1 match can survive.

Mid Lane is usually filled with 1 Champion, usually a Mage type who has fast mobility to help other lanes.

Dragon Lane is filled with two roles, namely ADC and Support, which are ready to become bodies or tanks to withstand enemy attacks.

Jungle is the spearhead role that gives the biggest damage to the team.

During the early-game, usually Jungle will focus on farming and making ganking setups.

For those of you who want to become a jungle, being sensitive to the opponent’s jungle rotation is an obligation to counter the ganking or ambush by the opposing team.

Also Read: Immediately Enter Open Beta, Here’s What You Should Know in LoL: Wild Rift

3. Set Screen Keys

Customize controls in Wild Rift


Customize controls in Wild Rift

For those of you who are not used to seeing the many buttons that can be used when playing Wild Rift.

You can try customizing the location of each button.

You can try it via Settings-Control.

In this feature, you can freely adjust the location of the controls you want.

The comfort of control when playing MOBA is one of the main factors to achieve victory.

Also read: Playing LoL: Wild Rift on the iPhone 12 will give you the maximum gaming experience

So, those are special tips for beginners who want to try out the latest MOBA made by Riot Games, League of Legends: Wild Rift.

For other tips and tricks about Wild Rift, you can keep watching articles from GridGames, OK!

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