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Tips for Becoming a Pro at Apex Legends - Part 2

Expand the Types of Weapons on Your Team

In every Battle Royale game, players can use various types of weapons provided by the developer. Starting from Shotgun, Submachin Gun, to Sniper which can kill enemies from a distance. Apex Legends has a much longer time to kill enemies when compared to other Battle Royale games. And if your enemy is at a farther distance, it will be longer and very small for you to kill the enemy. So make sure you communicate with your teammates about the weapons in one of you. The enemy will be much easier to beat if you are not too far away, so make sure you don’t use too many Snipers in one team.

Kill the Knocked Down Enemies as Soon as Possible

Just like other Battle Royale games, when you are in a team, if you are killed by an enemy team, you will get into position Knocked Down. Where you can only crawl without doing anything. And your choice is to just wait to be resurrected by your teammates or killed directly by the enemy. And if you are in a position to kill, make sure you immediately kill the enemy you knocked Down. Whether it’s using execution or using weapons. Because every enemy who is knocked down can give all kinds of information about you to his friends. Starting from the weapons you use, how many members of your team are left and also the position of you and your friends in battle. But if you can’t do this, make sure you stay away from the enemy position that you Knocked Down so that information about you is not spread by the enemy team.

When Falling From a High Place, Press the Melee Button Before Landing

There is no Apex Legends Fall Damage when you fall from a high place. But unlike other Battle Royale games, when you fall from a high place, you will be hitstun for a few moments. This of course can be avoided. When you jump from a high place, make sure you press the Melee button so you don’t get caught by the animation when you fall. This may seem trivial, but if someone is close to you and you can’t help but jump, this can save you and maybe make you win the game. The key is timing. Maybe you guys need some practice on Training Ground to get used to it.

Use Fire Grenades To Detonate The Gas

Just like other games, you can use gas to detonate and defeat your enemies. You can find fire grenades easily, so this should be able to help you when in battle. But be careful too because you could be in the gas. This also includes the smoke generated by Bangalore. So make sure you bring fire grenades if your team uses Bangalore.

Don’t be afraid to use balloons

Apex Legends players should be familiar with this one feature. Balloons allow players to fly back as if they had just gotten off the plane. By using balloons, players can quickly catch up with smaller circles. Even though you will definitely be seen by the enemy, this shouldn’t be a problem. Because when you are in a circle because you are using a balloon, you will definitely get the advantage of getting ready to shoot enemies who are entering the circle. But still you have to be careful using balloons. Because it could be that someone has a very good aim and you get shot when you are flying.

Change Your Second Weapon, Instead of Reloading

Just like the Battle Royale game in general, players can use more than one weapon. And just like other Battle Royale games, you can use attachment to reduce Reload Time your weapons. But you don’t necessarily get it easily. So if you are shooting at the enemy and at close range, make sure you change your weapon compared to Reload. Because in Apex Legends, reloading takes longer when changing your second weapon. So when your bullets run out, don’t panic. Because changing weapons could waste more time.

For Part 1 you can see here: Apex Legends Pro Tips Part 1

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