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Try playing Rage in Peace, a fun game on Steam and Nintendo Switch

Rage In Peace Game

Doc. Toge Production & Rolling Glory Jam

Rage In Peace Game

GridGames.ID – Toge Production in collaboration with the developer Rolling Glory Jam presents an action-adventure game called Rage In Peace.

This game is now available for PC and Mac via Steam and also for the Nintendo Switch.

The story of this game is that you have to meet Timmy Malinu, a 27 year old daughter who is emotionally numb.

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Rage In Peace Game

Doc. Toge Production & Rolling Glory Jam

Rage In Peace Game

He came to his office only to learn the fact that he would die on the appointed day. However, he also doesn’t know the details of his death when, where or what will make him die.

The angel of death offered to help him so that he could fulfill his dream of dying peacefully in his pajamas, in the warmth of his home, in peace and without drama.

However, this was not easy and just what he expected. Before arriving home, Timmy must avoid all the traps and obstacles that mysteriously appear to prevent him from a fraudulent death.

Rage In Peace Game

Doc. Toge Production & Rolling Glory Jam

Rage In Peace Game

Memorization and patience are the keys to this game so that you can enjoy this fun game.

The game is equipped with double jump and jump abilities to go through all the stages in this game.

Not only that, you also have to pay attention to things that you might have forgotten after living the same and ordinary life as Timmy.

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Rage In Peace Game

Doc. Toge Production & Rolling Glory Jam

Rage In Peace Game

Various features are present in this Rage In Peace game, one of which is to test your memorization skills, because there will be many surprises waiting as you progress in this game.

There are cute colorful settings that will cheer you up when death comes every few seconds.

Not only that, fun songs made in collaboration with several indie bands will also accompany your trip with Timmy.

Finally, this game has a beautiful and deep story about life and death that you don’t want to miss.

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