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10 Years Old, Ninja Saga Excuses from Facebook!

Ninja Saga
source: facebook / NinjaSaga

Ninja Saga is an online video game that can be played via social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Orkut. This game was created and published by Emagist Entertainment Limited.

In this game, players are assigned like a ninja and are required to master all the elements in the Academy, just like in the anime series. Naruto. This game was released on 21 July 2009.

Ninja Saga
Yotube / Facebook / NinjaSaga

But after 10 years, finally Ninja Saga have to leave the platform Facebook because of the system Adobe Flash has started to be stopped globally.

This information was first conveyed on the Fanpage Ninja Saga, that the game will no longer be available after December 31st.

“Ninja Saga will not be available after December 31st because it runs with Adobe Flash, which will be shutting down soon.” After that date, you will not be able to play the game and all stored items will be forfeited. You can continue the game before that day or look for other great games “

However, for those of you who are still interested in this game and want to save your account as a memento. The developer has provided a way.

The first way, you have to enter the game first NS first, then select Headquaters, then select NS Membership, click sign up and enter your email and password as usual.

After doing this method, the developer will provide an email reply if you are registered as a member of the game NS. Later you can play it on their official website, which is

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