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5 List of the Best Perks Killer in Dead by Daylight Indonesia

Do you already know what perks killer is the best for playing the Dead By Daylight Indonesia game? Want to know ? This time Mimin will recommend a list of the 5 best perks killers. Each killer has different abilities and strengths.

By choosing a suitable perks killer, players will have more fun playing this game

Here is a list of the 5 best perks killers:

Dead by Daylight’s Best Perks Killer

1. Barbecue and Chili
Barbecue and Chilli Perks Killer

This is the best perks killer of all. This Perk killer will activate when you hang / hook a survivor. When perks is active, you will be able to see the red aura from the survivors who are 40 meters away from you for four seconds. After hanging the survivors, you can immediately aim at the survivors who are close to you. Barbecue and Chili also makes survivors unable to hide from you, unless they hide in lockers.

2. Nurse’s Calling
Nurses Calling Perks Killer

The next best perks killer is Nurse’s Calling. This is Nurse’s exclusive perk that you can use on any killer. This perks killer allows you to see the aura of the survivors who are healing within 28 meters. By using this perk, survivors don’t have the opportunity to heal because you will easily find their location.

3. Hex: Ruin
Hexs Ruin Perks Killer

This perk killer is very powerful. By using these perks, you can slow down the survivors’ work by 5% to turn on the generator. But unfortunately this perk didn’t last for the end of the game. Because survivors will realize that you use Hex Ruin perks. They will be looking for the Hex Ruin totem to destroy. When the totem shattered, the power of the Hex Ruin’s perks also disappeared.

4. Remember Me
Remember Me Perks Killer

Remember me makes one of the four survivors your obsession. When you attack or injure your obsession, it slows the exit door open by up to 16 seconds. If you use this perk, you have to focus on your obsession first. But you also have to be smart, people who become obsessed will be able to see that they are your obsession. That way, they could just do tactics to get away from your obsession and the perks would be completely useless.

5. Hex: No One Escape Death
Hex Perks Killer

This is another strongest hex. No One Escape Death is a perks killer that is active when the survivor wants to open the exit or exit. Many players don’t realize that killer uses this No One Escape perks. Because this perks will only look like an ordinary totem that survivors will definitely miss. When this perks killer is active, then you can take down the players with just one hit. This perk killer is a distraction at the end of the game, instead of going out and saving yourself. The survivors will instead be busy saving their friends or themselves from the one hit hit. They will even be busy looking for the No One Escape totem to destroy.

Those are the 5 lists of the best perks killers in Dead by Daylight Indonesia. By using the perks above, it is guaranteed that your survivors will not make it out of the place.

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