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5 Tips for Playing the Worm Game So You Don't Die Quickly! Worm Game
5 Tips for Playing the Worm Game So You Don’t Die Quickly!

5 Tips for Playing the Worm Game So You Don’t Die Quickly!, is a game that is being discussed in Indonesia. This game is so attractive to young people that it makes them digress in playing and managing time in playing games.

The concept of this game itself has actually been adapted by several previous games, such as, which was popular in the past few decades, then a game with the same genre appears again, namely which was once popular among Indonesian gamers.

After this game, which has a typical casual and light game, has faded due to the loss of popularity with games with the moba genre and battle royale survival such as Mobile Legends Bang – Bang, PUBG Mobile, Free Fire and several other games. Now this classic genre game has returned to the surface.

5 Tips for Playing the Worm Game So You Don’t Die Quickly!

In early 2021, Indonesia was shocked by the phenomenon of worm games, which was so excited that almost all circles played this game. Worm is a classic game with an old but innovative concept that is again stealing the attention of gamers in Indonesia in particular.

This game has a gameplay that is easy to learn by all ages, you just need to eat the food that has been provided in the game where each food has a different score, you are ordered to collect the highest score in order to be the winner in this game.

But if you are wrong and too reckless in playing this game, it will be difficult for you to break into the top 10. If you are looking for this game cheat then you are bad luck, if you want to maintain your worm score, maybe you can try our tips.

1. Play casually
When you play this game you don’t have to be rushed and pressured to pursue a target, this game itself is a game with a typical relaxed attitude that demands more patience and thoroughness in playing.

2. Adjust the use of Speed ​​Boost
Speed ​​Boost is a button that functions to increase the speed of your worm, by using this button your worm will have a fast movement, it’s a good idea to use it at the beginning of the game to collect scores as quickly as possible and avoid using excessive speed boos in the late game.

3. Trap the opposing worms effectively
Trapping the opposing worm is a surefire trick to get you a high score easily, but by using this trick your chances of dying will be higher, to use this method to be effective is to see whether your opponent is easy to kill or not and also pay attention to the length of the opponent’s worm.

4. Play patiently
Patience is the main key in this game, if you play in a hurry the chances of you being ranked first will get smaller, playing patiently doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play aggressively, playing aggressively is okay as long as you can set the right timing.

5. Avoid unnecessary battle zones
Avoiding the battle zone of many other worms is a smart move in this game, you can take advantage of the battle situations of other worms and loot the results of those battles to get a high score.

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